Alton Area Sights & Sounds
This series of pages is particularly meant for those of us who live outside of the Alton Area. It is heart warming to be able to see and hear things from home!
If you are trying to decide to make the trip back home for the reunion, we hope that these pages will encourage you to revisit home one more time at least and maybe come to the reunion and say hello!
This is our way of saying WELCOME HOME!!!
Note: This page is dependent on YouTube video's if one does not work please contact us and we will fix it!
Alton, IL USA 1 (Has some scenes of Alton that will not be seen again. Photos of the Telegraph printing room in action before this year's shutdown by the new owners.
ALL AROUND ALTON (Commercial Presentation)
The Confluence Field Station
Rock Spring Disc Golf Course Alton Illinois holes 9-13
(Relaxing Alton Video - Who has not been in Alton and ran around town looking for something to do to relax especially in the winter time! Nice Video - Good Job Guys!)
Lock and Dam at Alton from a tourist perspective. (Take a trip through the Lock and Dam at Alton)
Who in Alton has not crossed the river to go get gas in Missouri?
Alton IL Fireworks 2010 finale from the barge!
Amtrak Texas Eagle @ Alton, IL