Memorial Page

Terry S Smith (Mirenda)

So sorry to add, Terry to our memory list.   She served many faithful years on the Class of 1960  Reunion Committee. She passed away Sept 18, 2015 at UPMC Altoona.

Services: Friends and Family Monday  Sept 21, at Stevens Mortuary from 2 to 4 and 6 to 8.  Funeral Services is Tuesday September 22, at 10:00 am at the Stevens Chapel.

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09/21/15 08:37 AM #1    

Jacqueline K Rabold (Grove)

I don't know where to begin.  It is with a very heavy heart that I write this.  Terry and I had many classes together in school and  became even closer after graduation as we worked on the reunions together. She put her heart and soul and many many long hours of hard work into so many of our reunions for which we owed her our deepest gratitude. Terry was one of the most generous, kindest, honest, people I have ever had the privilege to call my friend  Her husband Bob and my husband Don became friends   When I learned of her stroke, and knew of the severity of it I was devastated, because I realized that the end was near  Please keep Bob and her family in your prayers.

09/21/15 03:38 PM #2    

Sandra K Lee (Martin)

So sorry to hear of Terry's passing. She was a sweet person and we appreciated all her work on our reunions which we have always enjoyed. Sandy (Lee) and Ed Martin

09/21/15 04:39 PM #3    

Donna J Corbin (King)

It is so sad to hear of Terry's stroke and passing.  She had been such a driving force to keep us all informed about upcoming reunions and assist with registrations.  My condolences to her husband and family in their loss.

09/21/15 05:32 PM #4    

Paula Goldberg (Talmud)

Stan and I would like to extend our sympathy on Terry's Passing. We had many laughs and giggles in HS! Esp. in Miss McGregor's class! She was a lovely girl with a generous heart; we wish her family the Best.

09/21/15 06:40 PM #5    

Annette C Weld (Bryant)

I have so many fun memories of our high school days at pajama parties, bowling, etc.  Since I live in another town, we lost touch and reunions were the only time we saw each other.  My sympathy to Bob and family.

09/22/15 11:06 AM #6    

Carole K Beasom (Null)

I am very saddened of Terry's passing.  She was a dear close friend of mine  for many years. We were together from first grade to sixth and stayed close friends all through junior and senior high. We would spend all summer together doing things lots of times with Barbara Szymusiak and Judy Luci. Terry was an only child so I was asked to sleep over at her house many times. Her parents always treated me like I was part of the family. 

 Anyone who knew Terry knows what a kind and caring person she was. She was always willing to do anything and go anywhere, and we had such a good time in high school with  our friends and activities that we were involved in. The last time I talk to her was  this past May. She was her usual friendly  self and we talked for quite a while mostly about the good old days  and of course our grandchildren. She will always  be in my heart with our dear friend Faith Szuhaj. My  sympathy to Bob and family. 


11/23/15 09:56 AM #7    

John A Hauser Jr

 So sorry to hear of Terry's passing .  She did a fantastic job on are class  reunions .

11/24/15 07:23 PM #8    

Sharon L Rubin (Hamilton)

I am so sorry to hear of Terry's passing.  Although we are not related except by her mother's sister marring my uncle ,i have always thought of her as a cousin.  As children we spent a lot of time together.  We recently only saw each other at reunions or some family events and I have lost touch with her family.  I wish I would like her home address to send a note to her family.  Why is it I am just now hearing of this?  I guess I must check the site more often.  

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