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Get ready to reunite on campus from June 2-4, 2017! Reunion plans are shaping up and here’s a preview of some of the highlights:

ELVIS WILL BE IN THE BUILDING AND TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS! The KING will belt out all those oldies we remember so well at a class mixer on Friday night complete with food, drink, and dancing.

Get the low down on your alma mater. Co-authors and classmates Dave Adams ’67 and Lynne Adams ’67 will share campus stories from their book, Massachusetts Memories: A UMass Amherst History.

Learn how Carole O’Malley Gaunt ’67, Kevin O’Brien ’67, Linda Lau ’67 and Ken Feinberg ’67, ’02 HON got from “There to Here” on a panel moderated by our class president and retired UMass Graduate Dean John Mullins. Tell your own life story as well.

Spread your wings: stroll across campus and revisit old haunts or hop on the trolley to get a glimpse of Amherst’s favorite daughter at the Emily Dickinson Museum and Homestead. Who knows who you might meet?

Like Uncle Sam, we need you! If you served during Vietnam, please step forward and be part of ceremonies honoring those who served. Contact:

Hear the carillon bells sound at the Old Chapel in honor of classmates no longer with us. 

Muster at UMass from June 2-4, 2017. Log on to the class website at for more reunion news. Access the class list by contacting Elizabeth DuMont-McCaffrey at Send a note to pals to let them know you want to see them there, too.  And watch for a special Class of ’67 reunion mailing in March.

Helen O’Donnell                                       Janet Nolan




COUNTDOWN to Our 50th Class Reunion
June 2-3, 2017

Happy 2017! It’s now officially the Class of 1967’s 50th anniversary year. If you have a good memory, Sunday, June 4 should ring a bell—that’s exactly the day we graduated half a century ago. Remember? It was sunny, we were exhausted from Senior Week and Governor Volpe warned us “hippies” to look sharp for job interviews. The president of the then brand-new country of Malawi stayed at the Kappa house on campus and received an honorary degree and we were launched.

C ontact: Add your name to the Class of ’67 website. Contribute before and after photos, connect with classmates, club mates, dorm mates, and fraternity or sorority members. Email Elizabeth DuMont-McCaffrey at with any questions regarding how to access our class list for further contact information.

O vernight: Lodging ranging from Hotel UMass to a place to park your RV, to local hotels, and even dorm rooms will soon appear on the class website.

U nwind: Take a stroll down your campus memory lane. You never know who you just might meet.

N umbers Matter: Win bragging rights for bringing the biggest gang with you, or come by yourself, or with a non-UMie spouse or friend. It won’t take more than a minute and your reading glasses to check out name tags and find a long lost pal or twenty.

T reasures in the Attic: Dust off freshman beanies, club jackets, mug books, letter sweaters, group photos, etc., and bring them with you to show off or donate to our class archive. Do the jackets still fit? Impressive! How about that beanie?

D iscover New Talents: Plans are in the works for talks by classmates who are leaders in their fields plus a classmate author showcase. Are you an author, entertainer, educator, or researcher? Can you play the trumpet or carillon bells? We need you. Contact us.

O ral History: Share your story on tape or in writing. Some are the first in their families to get a college degree and all of us were changed by our years in Amherst. What was the impact of these experiences on your life?

W ar and Peace: Participate in ceremonies honoring our Vietnam veterans and the faculty and staff who helped guide us through our college years. Our class gift, the university’s mace used at every graduation since we graduated—will be on display. Donate to our Class of ’67 50th Reunion Class Gift Campaign.

N ights Out: Get ready for our Class of ’67 mixer and a night at Mike’s just for fun.

Let the countdown begin! Get out your calendars and start making plans for June 2-3, 2017 in Amherst.

Stay informed by signing up online today!

Helen O’Donnell  ’67                                              Janet Nolan ’67



Did you know we were the 100th class to enter UMass Amherst, arriving that fall of 1963, wearing our beanies and participating in the university’s centennial as a Land Grant college? Do you remember Dean Field’s Mugbook where the 1204 boys were separated from the 999 girls? (Not for long!) 

Check out the class website and add your name and photo to its rapidly growing list of fellow classmates. Reconnect today.

In preparation for the weekend:

ollect your UMass treasures (beanies, letter sweaters, concert ticket stubs, dance programs, etc.) and bring them with you to donate to the class of ’67’s reunion archive.

mail classmates and let them know how they can sign up on the reunion website for newsflashes.

earn about lodging options available in the Amherst area for Alumni Weekend, including a nostalgic dorm overnight for only $60. Lord Jeff awaits as well, as do other options for all price ranges.

njoy marveling at the UMass Marching Band or their performance at the UMass Multiband Concert.

ring a classmate or two with you to the reunion. The more the merrier. Spread the word far and wide. 

eunion #50! Help make it a spectacular event. Wear your beanie before donating it. Bring your Mugbook as a crib sheet as you scan the crowd. 

ll donations to support our Class of ’67 50th Reunion Class Gift Campaign will help restore the Old Chapel Lobby in a memorial tribute to Dr. George Richason, Professor Emeritus, Chemistry, or add to the Legends Campaign honoring the Newman Center’s Fr. Joseph Quigley, Deans Helene Curtis and William Field, Coach Richard Garber, and our class advisor, Mr. Robert Doolan.

ake the time during the reunion weekend to revisit old hangouts and reflect on the priceless gift of the education that has supported all our lives’ work. See the amazing changes made since we strolled across “UMud.”

njoy the memories of our collective half century with classmates from near and far. Renew old and create new friendships. We’ll be meeting again on campus in October for Homecoming 2017. We’re not done yet!

Save the date and mark your calendars for June 2 and 3, 2017.  Make a plan to get to Amherst and be part of the joyous—and no doubt hilarious—party of the half century!

Stay informed by signing up online today! 

Helen Cassoli O’Donnell '67, Class Secretary
Janet Nolan ’67, Chairperson of FUN!


To the Class of '67, and hooray for us!

Although rain dampened the enthusiasm of only the most enthusiastic football fans to meet for a tailgate on Homecoming 2016 weekend, all of us who stayed dry—and a few who didn’t—had a great time making plans for the REALLY big show that will be our 50th class reunion next June.

Alumni Weekend will be held on June 2-3, 2017 and planning is underway! Besides some fun and games we also hope to have some very distinguished classmates join us and share what’s on their minds in terms of university and universal goals. We can all be inspired to do better. It’s our legacy as those who were young in the '60s.

All of us have a story to tell. The pages on the 1967 class website are a great place to start. Add your “after” picture to join the “before” yearbook picture that will automatically appear when you click on your name. Share your life headlines with your classmates, and then fill in all the blanks next June at Alumni Weekend

Aren’t you more than a little curious to find out how our plot ends? After all, we were all there at the opening page in June 1967. Let’s catch up with old and new friends in June 2017.  Put the reunion on your calendar. Plan your trip—to Amherst and to our collective lives.

We’ll never be this young again!

Helen Cassoli O’Donnell '67 
Janet Nolan '67


Fifty years ago we began our senior year.  Remember packing up and arriving on campus with no cell phones or computers, but with dreams of a successful year and life goals to achieve? Let’s join together for reunion celebrations, both online and on campus, as we kick off this milestone year.

Don't miss out on Homecoming from September 30 - October 1, 2016:

Friday, September 30

  • 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Gather at the University Club. Light refreshments can be purchased. Parking directions will be posted on the website. 
  • 7:30 p.m. Attend the Multibands Concert at the Fine Arts Center. Purchase your tickets today
  • View the full schedule at /Homecoming. 

Saturday, October 1

  • 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Tailgate, planning and remembering (class of 1966 invited). Requests for ‘67 tailgate area being considered.  Details TBA on website.
  • 3:30 p.m. Tulane vs. UMass Football Game – $10 /ticket.  Contact Allie Levine  at 413-577-7247 or for ’67 block tickets. Tickets mailed. 
  • Post-game gathering at the Harp (formerly Mike's) in North Amherst. Please watch website for possible location change.  

Class of '67 Reunion Update: 

Join the Reunion Planning Team

Mark your calendars 

  • Our 50th Reunion will take place during Alumni Weekend from June 2-3, 2017!

Connect with fellow classmates and stay informed  

  • Log onto our Reunion website,  to created your profile, post pictures and connect with friends. Spread the word to reach those for whom the university may not have current contact information. While on the website, enjoy editions of the Reunion Collegian created for our 25th and 30th Reunions.  

50th Reunion Gift

  • Our class will join in the university tradition of giving a class gift as part of our 50th Reunion Celebration. Details are still being finalized, but we have gained approval to raise money for the naming rights for the entrance lobby of Old Chapel (currently under renovation) to honor Dr. George Richason '73, Chemistry Professor Emeritus who carried the University Mace (our graduation class gift) at Commencement each spring for decades.
  • We are also activating the Legacy Campaigns of our 25th and 30th Reunion years honoring Dean William Field ’89 Hon, Dean Helen Curtis, Mr. Robert Doolan, Coach Richard Garber ’90 Hon, and Fr. Joseph Quigley ’91 Hon.  However, gifts of any amount can be directed to the university as you choose. More details on the specifics of our class gift and instructions on how to support it will be coming soon! 

 Get a jump-start on Alumni Weekend 

  • In the afterglow of the Rio Olympics, take part in the class read. The first book suggested is Boys in the Boat: 9 Americans & Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Olympics by Daniel James Brown.  Who wants to lead this activity or suggest additional books?  
  • Get out your UMass memorabilia and photos. We are in a partnership discussion with University Archives to gather in an outstanding Class of ’67 collection to showcase our identity.

Exciting times ahead for the Class of 1967!

Helen Cassoli O’Donnell ’67, ’69 MEd, ’71 CAGS, ’99 EdD
Class Secretary