Reunion FAQ's

 Q. I've sent in my payment but haven't received a receipt.?

It is common that high school class alumni do not receive class reunion tickets. Your confirmation is your cleared check or credit card transaction. Your name will appear on a guest list at the registration table. If you'd feel more comfortable confirming your registration, please contact Chris Sasse at or 609-575-5504.


Q: What should I wear to my class reunion??

The common attire for a high school class reunion wear: comfortable clothing. Lots of time people chose to go out and buy something new the week before or day of, more than likely it'll be something that you feel makes you look good. In reality, you probably have that outfit already in your closet and have had several compliments on it already. Our advice is to come comfortable so that you can enjoy your evening and time with friends and not worry about whether or not your clothing is staying in place, your shoes are too tight or your hair is out of place. Comfort is the key to enjoying yourself at your high school reunion and being you.


Q. Can I attend if I didn't graduate from that high school but attended many years with most of the high school alumni??

Yes! You should email Chris Sasse ( with your request. Give him your contact information and request an invitation. He will be more than happy to extend the invitation to you and include you in the class alumni list.


Q. Can I bring a guest??

Most high school reunions allow guest participation as several class alumni may not feel comfortable attending without their guest.  Tickets are $60 per person.


Q. I'm a teacher, can I attend the reunion??

Teachers are never turned away. Its added excitement to the class alumni when they find out that their teacher is going to attend the class reunion. It is advised to make sure you announce to the committee chairperson that you would like to attend. There is a nominal dinner charge.
