AHS Museum

Please support the AHS Museum by making an automatic monthly donation from your PayPal account, your credit card, or debit card.  We have $10, $19, $22, $30, $44 and $88 per month memberships.  To set up your Monthly Membership Level, select the level in the drop down menu below and then click the Subscribe button.  Also various levels of Annual Memberships are available per the second drop down menu, and one time donations for Museum operating expenses or Memorial Donations in memory of a classmate can be made at the Donate button below:


Monthly Membership Level

Annual Membership Level


If you want to make a one time donation, click on the "Donate" button (then you can specify the amount of donation):

If you want your donation to be a Memorial Donation in memory of a classmate, there will be a message field underneath where you enter your donation amount, where you can put the name of the classmate.  Alternatively you may follow up your online donation with an email to the AHS Museum with the name of the classmate.  Email:  ahs_museum@comcast.net

If you prefer to mail in your membership or donation, you may view a printable or download a printable membership form by clicking here that can be mailed to the AHS Museum with your check or credit/debit card information.