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•   Deidra Lang (Watson)  6/20
•   Melissa Fox (Krouse)  9/11
•   John Godfrey  9/5
•   Virginia Grathwohl (Hopstetter)  4/18
•   Ron (Pete) Rodgers  2/6
•   Art Workman  3/30
•   Jim House  3/26
•   Joe Dittmer  3/8
•   Ed Gordon  3/27
•   Barry Nelson  12/6
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Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Arizona
1 lives in California
2 live in Colorado
6 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
52 live in Indiana
4 live in Kentucky
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
2 live in Nevada
8 live in Ohio
2 live in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Virginia


•   Neysa Ebel (Lambert)  9/20
•   Cheryl Hurd (Steckel)  9/21
•   Docia Love  9/27
•   Donna Peters (Van Ostrand)  9/27
•   Ed Gordon  9/29
•   Cher-I Hardgrove (Kimble)  9/29
•   Steve Hastings  9/30
•   John Baker  10/4
•   Lynn Rozin (Holtegel)  10/4
•   Sharon Chatham (Marean)  10/6
•   Bob Cheek  10/11
•   Lynn Gigerich  10/17
•   Sandy Lambert (Tufts)  10/19

Welcome to the Aurora High School Class of 1964 Website



Remember to visit the Message Forum to see if someone has posted something new, or to post something yourself

Past Events:


Another very successfull Devil's Den.  The class of 1964 has been the primary force behind the Devil's Den Hospitality Room at the fair for 8 of the last 9 years.  The 2017 Den was located at 232  Main Street (next to Weber Sports Bicycle Shop, which is the old Huxsoll & Thuermer Store).  This location is now the site of the Aurora High School Museum, which is open as follows:

Wednesday, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Friday, from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Saturday, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
and by Appointment

At the 2017 Devil's Den, snacks, soft drinks, coffee, hot tea, and hot chocolate were available every day of the fair, and on Saturday, before the parade, donuts were added to the mix.  Then after the parade hot dogs and our "famous" chili was the fare.  we had a very impressive memorabilia display, which has gotten larger every year thanks to continuing donations from classmates.


We had a very nice Birthday Party at the Alcapulco Mexican Restaurant in Lawrenceburg, Saturday, July 16, 2016.  Here's a picture of our birthday cake and flowers:

About 40 (including 25 classmates) showed up.  Suprise classmate this time was Don Schmidt.  It had been a long, long time since he came to one of our class events.  The last one we remember was our 25th Reunion!  Here is a picture of Don, John McDonald, and Rodger Casey with their wives:

A lot more photos and videos of the Birthday Party can be seen at the following web link:


Other Past Events:


We had bad weather several days before the Bash,
and rain on the morning and afternoon on the day
of the Bash.  But then it cleared up a couple of hours
before the Bash, and the weather was pleasant
all evening and night.  Despite the weather and
electricity being out for most of Aurora the night
before, the turnout for the Bash was great.
Another hugh success for this every three year event!

Many pictures have been posted on the AHS Classmates
Facebook Page.


Farmers Fair 2014:

Our class is again sponsoring a hospitality room for Aurora High School classmates and friends.  The hospitality room (Devil's Den) is in the same location as last year, next to Combs Pizza at 333 Second Street.  The Devil's Den will be open on Wednesday (Oct 1st) and Thursday (Oct 2nd) from 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm.  On Friday (Oct 3rd) the hours will be noon til 11:00 pm.  On the first 3 days, pretzels, chips, soft drinks, bottled water, and coffee will be available.  Then on Saturday (Oct 4th), the Devil's Den will open 7:00 am with donuts and coffee before the parade starts.

We also have entered a class float in the parade that starts at 9:30 am.  There will be some last minute decorating in the staging area on George Street.  We plan to start finishing the float at 7:30 am.  If you want to help, just look for our float on George Street.  We will not know the exact location until we get there Saturday morning.  Those classmates working on the float think it will be the best we have ever had, and should be a fun, comfortable ride!  The fun level will increase as the number of classmates showing up to ride increases.  So help us boost the fun level by showing up to ride our float!  After the parade, the Devil's Den will have chili, hot dogs, pretzels, chips, soft drinks, bottled water, and coffee.

Your Reunion Committee has again been working hard on the Farmers Fair events to provide the class with continuing 50-Year Reunion experiences.  Make them feel good by participating in the planned activities at the fair!


50-Year Reunion Activities
Held Weekend of
August 22, 2014

 On Friday evening 33 of us (25 classmates and 8 guests) got together at the Aurora Lions Club to meet & greet again.  Pam flew in from Washington state.  Maryon and John got flights from Nevada, and Docia from Colorado.  Rodger drove in from the Washington, DC area.  Becky and John B drove down from the Indy area.  From the Cincy area came John M, Carolyn, Bob, Karen, Lynn, and Donna.  The locals in attendance were Sandy C, Sandy L, Ronnie, Dan, Ed, Dave, Marilyn, Bill, Bev, Bonnie, Sharon, and Art.  The group mixed and mingled while having subs, snacks, soft drinks, and cookies.

After the warm-up on Friday, the celebration upscaled at the Dearborn Country Club in Aurora, where we had our 50-Year Reunion Banquet.  A total of 68 showed up, which included 43 classmates.  Upon registering, classmates received a personalized reunion booklet, a namebadge, a 50-Year Reunion Champagn flute, and a survey questionnaire.  The survey had the following 6 questions:

1. Do you want to continue with the 5 year reunions?

2. Do you want to continue with the annual reunion get-together?

3.  Do you want to keep the AHS Class of 64 website running?

4.  Should we have a float in the Farmers Fair Parade every year?

5.  If we have a float every year, would you be willing to help decorate it and ride with us in the parade?

6. Have you been to the Devil's Den during Farmers Fair, and if so, do you think we should continue to have it every year?

Here are some of the results of 28 returned surveys:  For questions 1 and 3, all 28 voted yes.  For question 2, there were 18 yes's, 4 no's, 2 maybe/not sure, 2 NA's, and 2 no votes.  For question 4, there were 9 yes's, 13 no's, 3 every five years, 1 not sure, 1 NA, and 1 abstain.  Committee is still evaluating the results of questions 5 and 6.  Also the Committee will update, if more surveys show up.

Those in attendance were offered a meal of Old-Fashioned Pit Ham at the carving station, Chicken Dijonaise (a late change from the published menu), tossed garden salad, buttered parsley potatoes, southern style green beans, fresh baby carrots, rolls, drinks, and cake.  The food offerings received high marks from those partaking.

Ed Gordon MC'ed the reunion.  To see Ed in action while introducing the Reunion Committee, check out the following video:

In the absence of our Class President (Mike Cheek), Vice-President, Bob Markwalter toasted the class, as can be seen here:

 Other class officers in attendance were Secretary, Sally Steele and Treasurer, Dan Geuder.

We remembered our 27 deceased classmates in a display of their pictures in black 8 x 10 picture frames and a memorial service slide presentation.  Those remembered are:  Roger Gulley, Donald Martin, Bonnie Russell, Laura Cornett, Kenny Lozier, Dale McClanahan, Pat Booth, Peachy Wallace, Butch York, Dick Powell, Dave Klueber, Jim Hedrick, Dan Lawson, Cheryl Bascom, Murl Weaver, Lucian Turner, Margaret Selka, Bob Clark, Eddie Knight, Bill Willoughby, Diane Kubow, Stan Walston, Melanie Christian, Joe Connelton, Phil Detmer, Carey Jones, and Harry Gabbard.



We recognized our classmates who served in the military:

John Baker, Clinton Burlage, Jack Chapman, Bob Cheek, Mike Cheek, Phil Detmer, Lynn Gigerich, Bill Herzog, Jim House, Dale McClanahan, John McDonald, Allen Weis

Joe Connelton, Dan Hill, Darrell Jones, Dan Lawson, Kenny Lozier, Chuck Olcott, Dick Powell


Ed Chrisman, Don Goodpaster, Jerry Levi, Lloyd Probst, Allen Weis, Stan Walston

Classmate Dan Geuder, DJ'ed the reunion.  Music from our high school years was played, along with songs referring to our music era.  There was dancing, albeit less than previous reunions.  We have noticed that with each successive 5-year reunion, the amount of dancing decreases.  Can anyone explain this?!!!.  Nonetheless, some of us still have it, as can be seen in the following video:

Nice moves, Deidra, Bev, Sandy, and Karen.

Here's some more video taken at the reunion:


Based on comments received by the Reunion Committee, if you attended the 50-Year Reunion, you most likely had a great time.  We know that some classmates wanted to come, but had conflicts with the date of the reunion, and others were not able to for medical reasons.  If you did not attend the 50th, try to make it to the 55th for another anticipated fun event.  At our ages, 5 years will be upon very soon!  We shared special times over 50 years ago.  We have all been through a lot throughout the years.  As long as enough of us are able and want to get together every 5 years, we will continue to have reunions.

We got many positive comments about this website, and therefore we plan to maintain it for another 5 year period.  We received donations at the reunion for the website and other events that the Class of 1964 hosts.  If you did not attend the reunion, and like the website, please consider making a donation to help cover the expenses.  You can donate via the website using PayPal or a credit card.  There is a "Donate" button on the homepage on the right side just below the "WHO'S ONLINE NOW" box.  We also accept checks.  Checks should be make out to "AHS Class of 64".  You can give them to any committee member, or they can be mailed to Dan Geuder, 5697 Jandel Dr, Aurora, IN 47001.

Photos from both Friday and Saturday are posted on the 50-Year Reunion Photo page.









The AHS 60's Bash was held at the Aurora City Park on Saturday, June 30, 2012.  The event attracted approximately 250 60's classmates and guests.  Photos and videos of the Bash can be viewed at AHS 60's Bash Web Album.

You can support your class by ordering Class T-Shirts and Sweatshirts.  The shirts are good quality products and are reasonably priced.  We will make a small profit on the sale of the shirts, which will be used to help pay for our website and other expenses associated with Class activities.  Click Here to download the order form.  Prices for the shirts are on the order form.  Here's what the T-Shirts and Sweatshirts look like:


Click on image to enlarge 
Gildan Heavy Cotton (6.1 oz)(Preshrunk)
Click on image to enlarge

Gildan 50/50 Cotton Poly Blend (7.75 oz)



Click on photos to enlarge

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