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Can you believe it's been nearly 50 years, for some of us, since the pomp and circumstance of our elementary school graduation? Come join the class this fall; see how nearly 50 years have changed everyone except you!

Yes, people are inherently different and as such, some of us keep in touch while others don’t. In both cases however, a class reunion offers a chance to reminisce and catch up with people that share a common past. It is, therefore, the primary purpose of this Nonprofit Corporation to structure and promote class reunions for Alumni of the Belmar Elementary School (Monmouth, NJ), that is, to bring together its past and future graduates, their partners, family members, and friends in order to provide: A great foundation for future friendships; A chance to share lots of laughter, and memories; The ability to expand our professional network; An opportunity to catch up with each other and our current and past Belmar Elementary School teachers; and an opportunity to do something that will benefit everyone. So, come join the Graduates of the Belmar Elementary School. We are "Making Our Mark, nearly 50 Years Later!"

By: Trent A. Davis, Sr. – Executive Director

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