Robin Gilmore Carbone

Profile Updated: October 21, 2013
Class Year: 1978
Residing In: Tucson, AZ USA
Occupation: not working-due to recent artritus
Children: Scott Kronmiller, born Aug 1988
Kyle Odell, born Feb 1996
Yes! Attending Reunion

I was adopted with my fraternal twin Renee, we found our biological family, brothers and sisters, bio mom and dad are deceased. I have a brother Paul Taylor from the music group winger 1989, Paul had been in a lot of groups Alice cooper, MR big, Steve Perry, the Baby s, Cinderella. ETC It is exciting to have found my family, we are some ways music involved me guitar. I am proud to have my both sons. My son Scott played guitar, and Kyle played guitar but now the drums. My son Scott is a marine SGT in Virginia I am so proud of him he has been in eight years now. Kyle is going to be graduating next year.

School Story:

1978 graduated. worked with kids, security jobs ,married had first son scott year later divorced. 1989 started looking for bio family found in 1992. living in Belmont still, got preg had second son Kyle. moved to Sacramento Ca got house in Folsom was married to Michael Carbone we were together 6 years. we worked together in Sac County as para educators teachers assistants for the high school troubled teens and handicap. My son Scott went into the marines. mike and I divorced. left my job at thrift store packed up and went to Tucson AZ. I was working at goodwill, then housecleaning, left job. had a few car accidents now have artritus in neck feet, which is hard to work. my son kyle is finishing high school. I love The White stripes Jack White Fav music. Happy in Arizona.