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1964 History/Videos
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Guido Ajmone-Marsan
Michael Apstein
Margery Arent Safir
Bruce Arthur - Architect
Richard "Bunky" Bernstein
Timothy Eddy, Cellist
Rev Linda Fisher Privitera
Brad Gowen's Video
Joyce Hill Stoner, Ph. D.
John Mackler - HOF Coach
Julie Marton-Lefevre
Missing Classmates
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Class of 1977
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Class of 1977
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Home Page
Classmate Profiles
In Memory - Classmates
In Memory - Teachers
A Look Back
Past Class Group Pictures
Our Various Career Choices
1964 History/Videos
1964 History/Videos
B-CC School Song
B-CC Foundation Link
Guido Ajmone-Marsan
Michael Apstein
Margery Arent Safir
Bruce Arthur - Architect
Richard "Bunky" Bernstein
Timothy Eddy, Cellist
Rev Linda Fisher Privitera
Brad Gowen's Video
Joyce Hill Stoner, Ph. D.
John Mackler - HOF Coach
Julie Marton-Lefevre
Missing Classmates
Contact Us
Message Forum - GENERAL
Missing Classmates
If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.
Robert Ailes
Anne Louise Albert
David W Allen
David Alpher
Ivano Ambrogi
Alda N Ament
Marcia Anders
Joan Anderson (Lanier)
Edward Angel
Margery J Arent (Safir)
Mona Jo Armentrout
Harlene Arnold (Stanchfield)
Marilyn Hope Axelrod
Hendrik W Bakker
Sigrid M Baner
Gerald Bartelmes
Sandra Bates
Karen Beck
Sandra Beck
Barbara J Bisbee
Roberta Blake
Lorin H Bleeker
Marcia Bloomquist (Smith)
Robert H Bohnke
Douglas C Bond
Sandra Lee Boothe (Yolles)
Richard Bossin
Barbara Boyle
Karen G Brandt
Alan Brenner
Toni Bress
Cheryl Lee Brohawn
Ellen Broudy
William Broudy
John Brown
Mary Bryant
John Buchness
Luther Bunn
Bonnie B Burgess
Susan Burgess
Nicola C Butler
Roberta A Buxbaum
Betty Campbell
Marie Car
Mark Carroll
Ann Cartwright
Paul Casey
John Certain
Donna Chambers
Donald Chapin
Katherine Clark
Daniel Cleary
Barbara Coates
Jonathan Cofer
David Cohen
Linda Coleman
Russel Coleman
William Congdon
H. Harrison Conover
J. Carson Cooper
John Costello
Gregory Cox
Joanne Crowley
John Currie
Leslie Dame
Doris Dasher
Nancy Davis (Strauss)
Barbara Davison
John Deck
Dorothy DeLawter (Jones)
Monica Durelli (Brunecz)
Timothy Eddy
Bonny Edmonds
John Edwards
Steven Emanuel
M. Leslie England
Rebecca Englehart (Chen)
Vesta Epperson
Laszlo Eszenyi
Robert Faille
John Farrar
Harry Feinberg
Sharon Feinsilber
Lynn Fishburn
Linda Fisher (Privitera)
James Fitzpatrick
William Fitz-Patrick
Alan Flott
Amy Forman
John Fort
William Francisco
Paul Franks
Robert Frazier
Peter Free
Stuart French
Thomas Fuller
John Gehman
Mark Giberman
James Gilbert
William Gittens
Patricia Godfrey (Murphy)
Jerrold Goozh
Paul Gordon
Susan Gorodetzky (Templo)
P. William Gottke
David Graham
Patricia Green
Harold Greenberg
John Grimes
Ira Grose
Joseph Gude
Nancy Guild
Judith Halpern
Richard Halverson
Sara Hannan
Susan Harris (Hostler)
Norman Hartz
Charles Haynes
Frank Hays
Arnold Heckman
Ambrose Hill
Connie Hill (Barton)
Beverly Hobart (Linthicum)
Linda Holte
William Holthaus
Nancy Hooker
John D. Howard
John M. Howard
Richard Howard
Beverly Hudson
Carol Huff
Dorsey Hughes
Stephen Hulburt
Adolphe Huriaux
Terye Huriaux (Van Sanford)
J. Linda Hurt
Jerome Hurwitz
Adele Hyde (Larsen)
Judith Imlay (Cox)
Henry Jaffin
Barbara Jager (Bass)
Lynnis Jameson
Gordon Jones
Suzanne Jones (Maas)
Jenette Kahn
R. Judith Kawer (Kay)
Elizabeth Kear
Sally Kennedy (Robb)
Steven Kerdock
Ann Kessler (Guinan)
Herbert Klippen
Steven Klompus
Roberta Knapp (Rodenberg)
Mary Knott
Peter Koffsky
Duane Kopankiewicz
Lois Koza
Charles Krause
John Kreig
Theodore (Ted) Kupelian
E. Lauck Lanahan
Robert Langley
Keith Larson
Harold Leaman
Margaret Lee
John Leonard
Olivia Lewis (Razo)
Andrew Lipscomb
W. L. Lochte
Terry Lockridge
Corwin Lockwood
Frank Lundblad
Lynn Luria
Susan MacGregor
Joseph Manchester
Richard Mansfield
Felton Marans
M. Jeffrey Marcus
Michael Martins Da Silva
Rita Massar (Herskovitz)
Tapio Mattsson
Charles May
Diane McDermott (Kleist)
Raymond McDermott
Katheryne McHarg
Mark McInteer
George McInturff
Jean McNeil
Susan Mertz (Burgess)
Laima Mikelsons (Parrish)
Elizabeth Miller
Matthew Miller
Timothy Miller
Lawrence Monroe
George Morris
Frank Neisser
George Nelson
Nancy Nichols
Shirley Nichols
Florence Nicholson
Gloria Nicholson
Karen Noble (Meyer)
John Normyle
Martha Norton
Lewis Novik
Marta Novo
Sevim O'Brien (Randall)
Susan Osborne (Johnson)
John Owen
Gerry Parcover
Elizabeth Patten (Boyland)
Catherine Payne
John Pearson
Carol Pendleton
Sharon Pennington
William Permar
Alexandra Pestalozzi (Cargo)
Katherine Phillips (Hunt)
Sharon Piper (Hoxie)
Harry Pitts
James Platto
Richard Pocalyko
Kathleen Porter (Ing)
Daniel Priest
Thomas Priolo
Diane Pronzata
Robert Raines
M. Consuelo Ramos (Bueno)
Barry Rathner
Stephanie Reader
Susan Reed
Nancy Reichley (St. Pierre)
Madeleine Reines (Jacob)
Patricia Requa (Mills)
Margaret Reshoft (Knapp)
Reinaldo Reynaldo
A. Wayne Riecks
William Rima
Sharon Roberts
Jane Robertson
Cheryl Robinson
Quinn Robinson
Sharon Rodin (Wagshal)
Joseph Rodwell
Michael Rosenfield
Ronald Rowe
Sheryl Rubin (Newman)
Manuel Salgar
John Sanders
James Saxon
Marian Schwab (Feder)
David Scotton
Lise Seidenman
Robert Sessions
Avery Shaw
Susan Shephard (Roza)
Maurice Silverman
Gary Simon
Ewin Sinclair
William Sinclair
Allan Slan
Susan Sloan
Dorothy F Smith
Gerard Smith
Gloria Smith
Jenny Smith
Robert Sobolewski
Lynn Stansbury
Richard Sterling
Andrew Stiller
Jane Stiver
Yonggi Sul
Jeanne Sullivan
Yolanda Sullivan (Giardina)
Leslye Surface
Ingrid Swan (Brown)
Rosemary Talcott (Parks)
James Thomas
Elizabeth Thrush (Collison)
Anee Thurston
Stephen Toney
Kendra Tutwiler
Nancy Uppercue
Ann Valbert
Joan Van Camp (Rodwell)
Joanne Volkman
Tad Wanveer
Barbara Warren (Jurgens)
Paul Weber
Ann Webster
Margaret Webster
Dorian Weiss
Natalie Weiss (Holzwarth)
Carol Welch (Mattimore)
John Whittaker
Frank Whitten
Brock Williams
Susan Williams (McGuigan)
W. Edward Williams
David Wilson
Harry Wilson
Susan Wineburgh
Evan Winston
David Witkowski
Mary Wolf
Ronald Wolfman
Susan Wollman
Robert Wolpe
Anthony Wood
William Wood
Corinee Woods
Joseph Wortsman
Martha Wright
Sylvia Zoslow (Schrier)