Who's Going to Reunion '23?

Here is a list of classmates who are planning to attend our 40th Reunion in June.

Email me or hit the survey tab - and register on link to Cranbrook Alumni Reunion page - and I'll add your name!

Total as of June 7th:  52

Phil Wolf, Pete Long, Seth Gould, Mike Hennessy, Greg Brown, Mark Stanton, Dave Ward, Kirk Anderson, Patrick Mercier, Joel Brown (?), Brian Hermelin, Wes Workman, Jon Doehr, Tony Tuppins, Fred Bartholomew, Harvey Kaner, Dave Lewis, Robert Carter, Erich Lines, Karl Juskevice, Howard Brophy, Andy Rifkin (?), Craig Frederick, Rick Mintz, Brewster Moore, Richard Blumenstein, Bill Hahn, Chris Hull, John McClure, Matt Nosanchuck, Mike Rotter, Craig Rubin, Jonathan Jacobs, Kevin Schack


Julie Stulberg Rothstein, Lexie Paris Robins, Lisa Kulson, Debbie Schwartz, Melinda North Saylor, Christine Miskowski Harriss, Barbara Rewey Newman, Patti Brukoff, Kathy Galantowicz Juriga, Margaret Bookstein Bornstein, Pam Applebaum, Caroline Sobota, Hilary Igleheart, Kate Stephens Dobens, Lisa Kirsch Satawa, Leslie Lewiston Etterbeek, Barb Sukenik Tonti, Jill Greenberg Jenik


*  (?) Leaning yes, but still maybe's