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Please consider making a minimum $20 donation to help facilitate future events.

Send a check payable to:

BHS Class of 69

Mail to:

Linda Foster Evans
470 Millbrook St.
Canfield, OH 44406


•   Michael O'Brien  9/3
•   Jill Culberson (Pursifull)  8/29
•   Steven Warden  8/23
•   Jeffrey Price  8/16
•   Kathy Skopic (Syphard)  8/10
•   Geraldine Frohman (Marrangoni)  7/21
•   Lucy Marinucci (Stanton)  7/20
•   Linda Jones (Terrell)  7/13
•   Kathy Clarke (Proff)  6/28
•   Sam Miller  6/14
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
1 lives in Alaska
12 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
11 live in California
8 live in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
41 live in Florida
7 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
3 live in Illinois
5 live in Indiana
1 lives in Iowa
1 lives in Kentucky
3 live in Maine
4 live in Maryland
2 live in Massachusetts
7 live in Michigan
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
3 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
2 live in Nevada
4 live in New Jersey
4 live in New York
8 live in North Carolina
183 live in Ohio
1 lives in Oklahoma
2 live in Oregon
6 live in Pennsylvania
2 live in South Carolina
5 live in Tennessee
13 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
3 live in Virginia
3 live in Washington
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Israel
1 lives in United Kingdom
60 location unknown
72 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 57.9%

A:   246   Joined
B:   179   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

The 55th Reunion of the

Boardman High School Class of 1969

Date: Saturday August 31 2024

Here's a link to photos from Friday night at the Magic Tree and Saturday night at 55th Reunion at Cafe 422


More photos will be added as I get them sent to me by the attendees



Beloved Boardman High School Art Teacher
M. Florence Hosa Dougherty
1925-2024 Tribute 




BHS 69 Classmates
Our Facebook Group

Join our Classmates Facebook Group
for even more pics, videos, info and more!


Boardman High School Class of 1969
Our Alternative Facebook Page

Visit our alternative Facebook Page

that I created years ago, that
I am STILL trying to get the
people of Facebook to merge
with our official page!




Click to access JukeBox from 1969!!!