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George W Wingate High School
Classes of 1967 - 1971

NEW INFO AS OF .....  JUNE 6, 2020

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Click on "Classmate Profiles" on the menu at left.

  1. Search for, or find your name and click on it. (If you are a Guest Member, your name will be toward the bottom under "Guest Members") Otherwise, click on your graduation year – and be sure to check the box for Yearbook Photos.
  2. You will see "If you are (your name). Click here to update your profile".  Click the link and follow the directions.
    You will create your own password.
If you don’t find your name, or if you get stuck, just email us
by clicking on “Contact Us” on the left panel.




CLASS OF 1970!



It is hard to believe that it has been FIFTY years since the Class of 1970 graduated Wingate.  Our three (for some, four) years at Wingate were marked by a great amount of turmoil and unrest.  Teacher strikes; anti-war demonstrations; counter-anti-war demonstrations; racial disharmony.  We were leery about going to the bathrooms alone; a narc agent went undercover; and we learned about sex and drugs; and rock n’ roll was our musical soundtrack to everything we did.  But few of us would trade that experience at Wingate with a more mundane one!

Ten years ago, we joined with several other classes to throw a big shindig.  Any plans to get together in person obviously have to be shelved for now but that’s no reason to let this occasion go unmarked. 

There are a number of things that we can do over the next few months.  We’d like to put together a montage of our 1970 class past and present.  Please send a photo (head and shoulders) of you back in 1970 (preferably the yearbook picture) and another one of you today, with your name then and now.  A clean background is important. (If this is successful, we can do this for the other classes as well).

In addition, for all classes 1967-1971, please send any photos from graduation or high school so we can post them or create a video.  Please identify anyone in the pictures and the date, if possible.  Teacher pictures are also appreciated.

We can also arrange a video session if there is interest.  Any other ideas would be appreciated.  Let's not allow this momentous ocassion pass unremembered!

If you know anyone that has not yet joined our Wingate site, please invite them to do so.  Now is the time to party as if it were 1970!

In order to share (and view) pictures, click on or paste in the following links:

For 1970 then and now pictures!AnqgStqmoD00hLR9-pKg_NXwBG-d9A?e=0RoRZd

For Wingate pictures of all classes!AnqgStqmoD00hLR-R5wzvdVcWprK6A?e=v17RMK

If you have any problems, questions, suggestions or just to kibbitz, email your cheerful administrators at 

or click on "Contact Us"

Hope to be hearing from you!


Paul & Bonnie

If you haven't already done so, please join the site, update your contact and profile information, and help us locate the rest of our classmates .

Also, be sure to adjust your email settings, if necessary, to ensure that communications from the website
( ) are not treated as spam.

All personal information will be password protected and none of the information you share with us will be used for commercial purposes.


Live Chat is available 24/7. Hop on if you see someone online you'd like to connect with...
maybe they'd like to chat with you too.
OR make a date to meet and chat at a certain time.

Please take a look at the Missing Classmates List and see if you are in touch with anyone who hasn’t already joined us. Clicking on their name will give you a form to invite them via email. Don’t have their email address? Give them a call and ask them to log in and join us. Would you like to find them...and don't know how? Check out the HELP FIND ALUMNI LINK on the left panel.

Do you know someone who should be listed and isn’t? Let us know who they are and we’ll add them to the database. Someone else on the site may know where they are – and will be able to contact them.