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05/14/18 11:05 PM #1    


Barbara Ecker (Ecker)

Haven't seen any new posts or comments lately. Have made some good strides. You girls need to contact each other more. In less than 2 weeks our time down to the Reunion is only 12 weeks. 3 months is not a lot of time for me (or anyone, I believe) to order items, get tours, do dinner, find alumni --- from 2500 miles away. For me, your speed in signing up, etc. helps me trmendously... and has helped me tremendously already. THANK YOU, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

05/21/18 03:08 PM #2    


Jacqueline Rock

Thank you for all you are doing!  You are the best!

05/24/18 11:03 PM #3    


Barbara Ecker (Ecker)

About HANDICAPPED and ASSISTED hotels rooms and other needful situations:

I have now heard this at least 3 times in some form or another---

"I can't go or won't go or am afraid to attend this Reunion". "I'm not the person I used to be"; "I can't walk anymore". " I shake too much". "What is everyone going to say? I'm so embarrassed".

Let me tell you something:

1. We are all close to the same age;

2. None of us are able to be on our own IN THE SAME MANNER we used to be;


4. My handicaps are:

     A. I have only one leg now,

     B. I must walk with a walker or a cane,

     C. I can no longer dance,

     D. I have Errosive Osteo-arthritis (bone spurs pop up between the bones in my joints stopping me from bending the joints);

     E. Therefore, I always have some sort of pain, somewhere;

     F. I use a handicapped bathroom;

     G. I have type-2 Diabetes, which also means I have neuropothy;


By the Grace and Love of God--

a. I am setting up this reunion,

b. I am getting on a plane,

c. I am travelling 2500 miles,

d. I am packing my own luggage, arranging my own way to & from w/ extra handicapped equipment,

e. and there exist other handicaps with which I deal on a daily basis---

If I hear one more time that you are not coming to the reunion because of a handicap -- I WILL SCREAM.

Now- calmly, all those who are veering away from the survey, or are thinking a second time about attending-- LET'S GET THIS REGISTRATION DONE. I would like to see everyone for a last time.

Wouldn't you ??!!




05/28/18 08:31 AM #4    


Jacqueline Rock

I am humbled by your grit.  Yes you have inspiried me.  Let's do it!

06/08/18 10:53 PM #5    


Barbara Ecker (Ecker)

I want to say I'm sorry for the comment I made on this site last week concrning handicapped availability to places and items.  I meant no disrespect. Being handicapped myself I felt I had the leeway to comment. BUT, after reading the post I decided I was being too quick to judge. Please forgive me. 


08/14/18 06:01 PM #6    


Barbara Ecker (Ecker)

Well, now that we are all pretty set on who's coming to the reunion (more are still and always welcome), here are definite plans thus far.

1. Monday, Sept. 17 from noon on:

   A. check in to Hampton Inn & Suites (1120 South Ave., Staten Island, N.Y.)

   B. Register or show Registration Paid card at lobby table with Banner above it

   C. 7p.m. Meet & Greet in Barbara Ecker's suite. This includes free 'deli' food, beer, wine, soda. Ends about 10p.m.

2. Tuesday, Sept.18 -- Morning and afternoon free to do what you like --- SO FAR.

Next  message will include a survey.

    A. Dinner at 7:30 at Lorenzo's (Hilton Inn 

, next door). $45 per head with 3 choices of entree, appetizer, and dessert, soft drinks included.

    B. At dinner Silent Auction to be closed, 1/2 & 1/2 auction results given out, give aways to be given away.

    C. Exchanges of any kind for each other. Music memories on tape and perhaps live.

3. Wednesday, Sept. 19 -- Farewell breakfast one day early because a few alumni have made me aware they need to leave on Wednesday.

    A. In Lobby area set off from public,

    B. Any unfinished business taken care of

    C. Last photo together, exchanges among us.

4. Rest of  Wednesday free FOR NOW

5. Thursday morning -- Breakfast and noon check out

6. Tuesday &/or Wednesday day -- proposed water trip around Statue of Liberty AND trip to Ellis Island to investigate ancesters. Entire trip = 4 hours

Please answer new survey named "New Reunion Info" !! It is located at the top of the left side titles of pages to see (IN YELLOW)


10/01/18 12:18 AM #7    


Barbara Ecker (Ecker)

Reunion was great.Photos from 6 throw away cameras ready (I don't know where the 7th one went.) Will post and contact individually the focus of the photos. My plan is to make a movie or a slide show with music for all those who attended. For anyone else who wants the collage of photos there will be a small charge to defray cost of developing photos. More info to come. Thanks everyone. I really enjoyed it. Hope you did too.


10/08/19 02:55 PM #8    


Anne** Iorio (Parra)

Thank you to my SAH sisters for your birthday wishes! Growing "old" gracefully with so many friends is a gift!

06/06/20 02:49 PM #9    


Anne** Iorio (Parra)

Thank you for stepping up! You are truly appreciated! Where do I send a check? Anne

06/06/20 06:38 PM #10    


Anne** Iorio (Parra)

Eileen, Thank you for the work you do for our class. I would like to donate...where do I send the donation? Anne


06/25/20 08:38 PM #11    


Anne** Iorio (Parra)

Happy birthday, Jacqueline !

06/26/20 12:05 PM #12    


Jacqueline Rock

Thank you one and all for birthday greetingsd.  I intend to be smiling ear to ear on Sunday!

02/19/21 02:12 PM #13    


Anne** Iorio (Parra)

Happy birthday, Maryanne! 💕💕 Remembering the 7:30 phone calls!😊😊!

11/15/23 12:25 PM #14    


Lenore Infranca (Furlong)

Thank you everyone for the lovely Birthday Greetings....I loved going to St. Angela Hall Academy. So many wonderful friends that I will always remember.

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