Barbara Ecker (Ecker)
About HANDICAPPED and ASSISTED hotels rooms and other needful situations:
I have now heard this at least 3 times in some form or another---
"I can't go or won't go or am afraid to attend this Reunion". "I'm not the person I used to be"; "I can't walk anymore". " I shake too much". "What is everyone going to say? I'm so embarrassed".
Let me tell you something:
1. We are all close to the same age;
2. None of us are able to be on our own IN THE SAME MANNER we used to be;
4. My handicaps are:
A. I have only one leg now,
B. I must walk with a walker or a cane,
C. I can no longer dance,
D. I have Errosive Osteo-arthritis (bone spurs pop up between the bones in my joints stopping me from bending the joints);
E. Therefore, I always have some sort of pain, somewhere;
F. I use a handicapped bathroom;
G. I have type-2 Diabetes, which also means I have neuropothy;
By the Grace and Love of God--
a. I am setting up this reunion,
b. I am getting on a plane,
c. I am travelling 2500 miles,
d. I am packing my own luggage, arranging my own way to & from w/ extra handicapped equipment,
e. and there exist other handicaps with which I deal on a daily basis---
If I hear one more time that you are not coming to the reunion because of a handicap -- I WILL SCREAM.
Now- calmly, all those who are veering away from the survey, or are thinking a second time about attending-- LET'S GET THIS REGISTRATION DONE. I would like to see everyone for a last time.
Wouldn't you ??!!