Profile Updated: July 21, 2008
Residing In: Aitkin, MN USA
Spouse/Partner: Bill
Occupation: legal secretary, writer, farmer
Children: Levi Marcus Eugene Baer is 23
Aurora Della Desiree Baer is 19 They are the loves of my life. I More…mated for good genes. Here is the story of my family:
My rainblow like Obama’s

My husband is a servant, brilliant and humble,
a master of whatever he is moved to study,
mostly in response to other’s needs.
He is a well of ancient knowledge,
knows how the fish live; knows where the deer sleep
walks with the pine marten,
keeps track of bees.
He is a Hercules, his back never broken.
He’s kept his value over time.
He came from Germany; he came from Poland,
from ferocious cabbage-eaters in Byelorussia.

My son’s father is a Black man. Black Black Black Black pride
is his identity.
Many many “European” friends
but when it comes to Black pride
Say on Martin Luther King Day
it’s gonna be Black folks
with whom he’s tied.

My son’s father is a green man, St. Paul Irish shamrock green man
as green as you can find
in a city of that size.
Growing tomatoes on the side,
making gardens, pushing conservation
and innovation to save the nation
and the people of his tribe.

My best friend is Ojibwe, full-blood blood blood blood;
It is his love that is his pride.
He is the patriarch, a young grandfather
with baby chickens and big raspberries
in a garden in the backyard where the tribe can gather,
his sprawling family, his dark-eyed woman
by his side.

My Aurora has a father who speaks of Sisu
in a slurring beer fog where it tries to stay alive.
He was a wrestler; she is a horse girl,
who talks to animals and tells them what to do.
She is ambitious, rises to excellence.
She has the Sisu she needs to survive
to overcome the darkness of her father’s people.
Living near the Arctic circle, they were pragmatic.
I pray for her, my potent budding child.

My Levi is a Black man, though he hardly knows it
but for how strangers treat him.
Raised up by white folks, he speaks Midwestern.
He speaks ecology, doesn’t own an auto,
in San Francisco, the greenest city in the world.
He has the genes that I want to stay alive.
In seven hundred years I want them to have
risen out of poverty, risen out of anonymity,
to be among leaders, like his father’s ancestors,
like my great-grandfather, banished by Kaiser Bill.

My other great grandfather while hunting deer shot
at one who a Native man had wounded too.
That man did not speak as he made the Christian
sit on a log while he skinned the deer.
The white man feared him until he put half
of the carcass on his shoulder
turned him back where he had come from
and sent him on his way.
Because of this my mother’s people
had a love for the natives who lived just west of
what is now Minneapolis.

These were the old ones whose ways we must learn
to tend our planet so that we may survive.
These young technologists
must be ecologists, some kinds of cyborgs,
some kinds of clones,
some kinds of beekeepers,
some kind of treekeepers,
maybe made by nanobots.

These are my tribe-mates, though they don’t know it.
We are all connected through the matter of our genes.
I have loved all of them from my place inside this web.
These are the people who I call in my dreams
of living past the next flood.
Yes! Attending Reunion

It ain't entirely about the material world is it? So despite the mostly interesting and sometimes gruesome and excruciating details of yea now 38 years post h.s., and adventures leading here there and lots of places but not too many stops at any banks to drop off bags of money, what I've been up to has been a fervent search for the answer to the eternal question "Is God a Lutheran or a Catholic?" Well and actually I've concluded that God - whatever God is - well that's about it, isn't it, what Gerhard Teegarden said, "A comprehended God is no God at all." But I will go so far as to posit that God might be a Dadaist (God the Dada), because existence certainly is absurd sometimes, wouldn't you say? Laughing is the best. Remind me to tell you the joke that ends, "What's time to a pig?" Did you hear the one about the agnostic dyslexic insomniac who stayed up all night wondering if there really is a dog? Jeez m/b I should have read what other people wrote before I launched off on this, except that with this slow-speed dial up we've got that would take all night. I'll do it at work tomorrow while looking really busy and intent.

School Story:

Well yeah but it's about me so I hope it doesn't sound too self-centered. Mr. Paulsen leaned a bit to the right, politically speaking. (Was he an ex-Marine too, like Mr. Nelson? More later.) You may remember that VietNam was going hot and heavy by 1968 and despite that I kept myself pretty ignorant back then I was vaguely aware of the spasms of discontent and identity breakdown the country was experiencing by the day Mr. Paulsen lectured yea verily not on physics in his physics class but on why we should twist our parents' arms to vote for Goldwater in the coming election. I had something I wanted to say in response and, sitting in the front row, I raised my hand straight up, which Mr. Paulsen handily ignored, even though very shortly I began waving it. ("Call on me, call on me. CALL ON ME!" I was thinking.) But no. I have a heart murmur. Or something. I dunno. M/b a brain tumor. Anyway, I get easily overamped and sometimes faint. M/b I was fasting. Jeez I used to eat so weird. So I slumped down out of my desk, right there, at his feet. And Paulsen looks at Randine, sitting right next to where I had been sitting, and says, "Now what's she up to?" (I did hear that, Mr. Paulsen. I was coming around. It was cooler down there and I've always been into being cool. I'm cool, aren't I?) Warren Nelson became a lake association president and major clean water activist, very political, on Eagle Lake up by Monte and Big Lake.

MARCIA's Latest Interactions

Dec 09, 2023 at 3:33 AM
Dec 09, 2019 at 3:34 AM
Dec 09, 2018 at 3:33 AM
Dec 09, 2017 at 3:33 AM
Dec 09, 2016 at 3:33 AM
Dec 09, 2015 at 3:33 AM
Dec 09, 2014 at 3:33 AM
Posted: Mar 06, 2014 at 11:00 PM
My brother and I are the real twins. (Linda says she is his twin.) There are no young parents among your parents are there? My folks are 94 and 86. Wow.
Posted: Mar 06, 2014 at 11:00 PM
I married Conan. Conan bring meat.
Posted: Mar 06, 2014 at 11:00 PM
Save paper and electricity. Open this every December. Merry Christmas.
Posted: Mar 06, 2014 at 11:00 PM
This guy is the real love of my life.
Posted: Mar 06, 2014 at 11:00 PM
But this guy, aka Mr. Perfect, is also a major love object, and he'll outlive my dad, with his cousin Joe will carry on the Baer name (we are not big reproducers), if my scaring him about overpopulation and climate change for 23 years hasn't entirely put him off reproducing. See poem in comments about my longings for and fears about grandchildren.
Posted: Mar 06, 2014 at 11:00 PM
Sometimes, despite my philosophic effort to love everyone, I am an equal opportunity hater, snarling multi-directionally. This wasn't one of those times. My husband was just bothering me taking pictures. Sometimes I sing that Barbara Streisand song, "People. People. Who needs people?"
Posted: Mar 06, 2014 at 11:00 PM
Danger Baby, still dangerous