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06/28/08 03:27 PM #3    

Bridgeen Garrett (Kanyer)

Thanks Mary!

07/29/08 12:16 PM #4    

Mary Wang (Benham)

Any Alumni out there that have served in the Military? Please email me your info and a pic to recognize you guys! The ones we know so far are Shawn Raybell,Richard Gotcher,Todd Harper Peterson,Jeni Froelich,Shane Slee,Seth Baker,Dana Reed,Steve Amberg,Darren Stewart, Ben Hardman,Jopet M. Any others?

08/15/08 09:56 AM #5    

Mary Wang (Benham)

The only event that is "family friendly" will be the Sunday BBQ. No children at the Friday night Alumni Mixer or the Saturday "Main Event" please.

For Saturday event, "Dressy/Casual" is NOT our Formal Prom attire, but somewhat "dressed up". We are not stuffy and don't mind jeans, but wanted to have that "special fare flare".

If you have any pics to share you can scan to me.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

08/17/08 11:28 PM #6    

Carla Maher (Weller)

Hey Jill,
Spouses are more than welcome at all events. And for Shelly, Mary and I have been trying to find people under, and there are a few addresses for a Shelly Thornton in Aberdeen and one in Tacoma. So if anyone knows if these would be correct, it would be great if they could let us know. :) And it's so hard to search for females in our class, since it's more than likely their last name has changed.

08/28/08 09:34 AM #7    

Chris Westhoff

Ok I'm getting my ticket tomorrow!. Now if I get hammered and go walking along the beach is that included in the ticket or do I still have to tell the Normandy Park Police that I'm meeting Dave Knox? :)

08/29/08 12:50 PM #8    

Carla Maher (Weller)

Chris, you could run/bump into John Lievero, he's a NP police officer! :) And you could still say your meeting Dave, he still lives around here....

09/02/08 01:57 PM #9    

Chris Westhoff

That's right I totally forgot about that!. So if John show's up in his uniform I think at least 3 women should yell "WHOOOHOOO WHO ORDERED THE MALE STRIPPER!" all at the same time. :)

09/02/08 10:36 PM #10    

Russ Hume

If your still looking for classmates/friends try using this link;
Go to the bottom of the page and add the last name and first initial in the spaces provided. Click the button "Search By Name" and it will pull up most recent registered address and City if they are still in Washington. The link is public information based on your voter registration. It's scary when you look up yourself.

Happy looking.

09/04/08 12:44 PM #11    

Carla Maher (Weller)

Chris, that is too funny!

And thanks for the tip Russ! We'll try it.

09/15/08 05:32 PM #12    

Greg Zanghi

When will the Pro-Pictures be published? Great seeing everybody by the way. I wish we all had more time to catch up.

09/15/08 09:14 PM #13    

Mary Wang (Benham)

When our hangovers wear off--this takes a lot longer, now that we are older....We will post pics as soon as we can and let you know via email when they arrive! Thank you for all your kind words and support. You helped make this 20 Year Reunion a great success! Hope to see you and those that couldn't make it at the next function! We aren't waiting another 10 years that's for sure!

09/15/08 09:39 PM #14    

Gabriel Carter

I second that emotion Greg. It was really great to see everyone. I thought you guys did a really nice job of setting up the event.

09/15/08 10:07 PM #15    

Christopher Williams

Has anyone seen my liver? I think I dropped it at about midnight.....

09/16/08 01:20 AM #16    

Russ Hume

Mary, Wendy, Adriene, Carla, John, Kerri, Brian, & Sherry,

Thank You for a great night. I really appreciate all that you went through and sacraficed to pull off that weekend! Thank your spouses for loaning you out to complete an overwhelmingly successful event. I had a great time seeing and talking with everyone after 20, and look forward to the next event. Very classy and sincere! It was alot of hard work I'm sure, but you all have my vote for a repeat.


Russ Hume

09/16/08 08:20 AM #17    

Stacy Mitalas (Taylor)

What a great night! Congrats to the committee for putting on a very special and memorable event. I really hope the slide show Mary did will also be posted on the site with the would be great to see it one more time..... Thanks again!

09/16/08 04:15 PM #18    

Carla Maher (Weller)

I had to check myself into Betty Ford, so I've been a little out of the loop. I'm trying to get them up there soon. Some of the pictures I've received are too big, and it's hard to download them onto But I hope very soon they will be there. If anyone has any other pictures, please send them to me! Thanks!

09/17/08 10:33 PM #19    

Bridgeen Garrett (Kanyer)

I loved the reunion! I was in heaven and my face hurt from smiling so much. I have some group pictures from Seahurst Elementary from grades 2-6. Does anyone else have class pictures from when we were kids that they want to post?

09/18/08 09:36 AM #20    

Debbie Lynn (Burton)

Thank you ladies (and Johnny, Shaw and Ken!) for such a great weekend! You all did such a great job! I had a blast and even my husband enjoyed it. (Poor spouses!) I am so glad we came up for the event. It makes me miss Seattle again. We definatly will not wait another 10-20 years to come up to see everyone. Thanks for this website and for getting the Facebook pages going too. We all need to keep in touch now. No excuses!
Debbie (Lynn) Burton

09/23/08 12:14 PM #21    

Dana Reed

We had an fantastic time at the reunion. Thank you so much Mary, Carla and every one else for all the hard work putting it together, it really showed. Wish I could have made it to the picnic, but my swollen liver would not allow..I hope we dont wait another 10 years to get together again, I should be feeling better way before then.

09/25/08 07:33 PM #22    

Greg Zanghi

Anyone have a link or connections to where I can get some sweet HHS Pirate gear. I need to represent here in the Bay Area.

09/30/08 11:16 PM #23    

Paul Schwyhart


Try this link...

10/09/08 05:12 PM #24    

Bridgeen Garrett (Kanyer)

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of old Highline yearbooks? I am missing mine from junior year.

10/15/08 02:33 PM #25    

Wendy Crews (King)

The Senior ones we had at the reunion were from the highschool. Contact the Photography/Yearbook instructor. I'm sure they still have some.

12/03/08 09:33 PM #26    

Douglass Sniadoski

Hello all I have only just learned about this page and sadly missed the reunion. I look forward to not missing any other get togethers there might be and hope to here from some of you out there.

05/10/11 12:17 PM #27    


Shane Slee

Much love and big hugs to all all my alumni .... Be  safe and are we having a 30 year reunion cause the 20 was a blast ?

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