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In Memory Classmates

Weston Reese

Weston Reese








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04/15/14 02:11 PM #1    

Nancy Sallee

Weston was probably the first tragedy I delt with.  I remember when he went to Vietnam.  And I remember when he came home.  We have all been lucky to have lived our lives.  Weston never had that chance.  Rest in peace my frient.


05/01/14 11:52 AM #2    

Carol Merrett (Gilbert)

Weston was great fun.  We both lived in the neighborhood in South Butte and for years where we played ball and kick the can, ice skated, slid up and down the hills with our sleds on St. Joseph's lot.  We all frequented Clague's grocery store for penny candy and we attended Webster-Garfield grade school.   Although we didn't always walk to school together, we sometimes did and enjoyed walking through the tall weeds in the lot that spanned from Kaw Avenue to the school. 

When we went to Jr. High, I lost contact with him for the most part and this continued into high school.  However, when we did run into one another, he was always friendly and we took time to catch up with our lives.  I remember when he told me that he was going to go into the Service.  Though he felt anxious about his decision, he felt that it was right for him to go.  That was the last time I saw him alive.

The word in the neighborhood was that he had written a letter to his parents and stated that he felt that he would not return alive from the conflict in Viet Nam, and within weeks of their receiving this letter, they were informed of his death.  Also, the word was that Weston died as the result of "friendly fire" not enemy fire.  I don't know if any of this is true for sure, but this is what was said in the neighborhood at the time.  I know that Weston had an older brother, Bill, who, if he is still alive and available, could better comment on the truth of the "rumors".

Anyway, Weston was a sweet guy and bravely served our Country with his life.  I am really glad for the fun times we shared.  Thank-you, Wes, for your friendship and for your service.  Rest in peace, my friend.  Carol Merrett Gilbert


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