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Classmate Profiles

     Contains profile information: 110
     Profile contains photos: 30
     In Memory: 112
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 112
     Military Service: 52
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 110    Newest Members: 108    Latest Comments: 75  

Klass Aaa   
Donald Anderson     
Fred Bates   
Jon Blankmeyer     
Don Brunell     
Myron Castren    
Kent Clark   
Milt Cottrell    
Mike Counter    
Ed Dinius   
John Elich    
Gary Evans   
Mike Evans    
Bill Gartrell    
Bill Goodman    
Jim Hale   
Ken Hale   
Ed Haskin   
Jim Held   
Alan Hill    
Harvey Howard    
Gary Hughes    
Mike Johnson    
Bill Koski   
Tony Kruzich    
Tom Lawrence     
Bob Lean    
Walt Leprowse    
Norman Lilley     
Ron Lowney   
Dan Malkovich    
Tom Mc Ginnis    
Jim Melvin   
Carl Murray    
Ron Nielson    
George Nolan    
Bob Norine    
Dale Pederson    
Don Plessas    
Jack Potter    
Gary Rapp   
Weston Reese    
Jim Rolando    
Ken Ronning    
Jack Ross    
Loyd Rowe    
Dick Rule   
Gary Seman   
Dennis Smith     
Bill Spencer    
John Sutey    
Joe Tobin   
Bruce Travis    
Cal Vine     
George Volsky    
Bob Woods    
Gerald Woody    

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