In Memory

William Guy Peel - Class Of 1938

William Guy Peel, born April 26, 1920, died June 6, 1990 at the age of 70 of cancer at his home in Carbon.  He is survived by children Claudette Rackow, Earnest Peel, Jeanette Sellers and Doris Cozart.

Guy Peel was a very honest, hard working family man.  He farmed for many of his younger years, and helped take care of his mother, brother, and sister after the death of his father.  He had many jobs after this.  He worked in oil fields in north and west Texas, was a mechanic, ran service stations in Odessa and Eastland, and was also the fire chief in Eastland during the 70's.  He was extremely good at bowling and gardening, and also loved hunting fox and coons with his hunting dogs.  He had several of his old friends from Carbon that also had hunting dogs to share the fun with Guy had a wonderful sense of humor, and loved pulling pranks.  He and some of his Carbon school friends once got expelled from school for a few days for rigging the light switches up to fire crackers.  He loved Carbon.  He was born at this family's residence west of Carbon in 1920, and died at his residence in Carbon.  He is dearly missed by his family and friends.