Mary Ann Straley
Nice to hear what all the 70-something year olds are doing! I am so fortunate to have had excellent health for 75 yrears, certainly not because I was exemplary in my life style, but the Irish (and other) genes must be good. I am grateful!
Mary Kay, my heart goes out to you in dealing with Nick's dementia. We have had so many friends go through that. Please take good care of yourself! Oftentimes, the caregiver ends up exhausted and not well him or herself. It can be difficult to know when it's time to go to Plan B in these situations. Stay well! And find a copy of "Making Rounds With Oscar" to read. You'll find it meaninful.
Ivy, I believe that address you have for Denny is their home address.
Everyone, shelter well and take care! Virtual hugs!