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06/18/20 03:54 PM #192    

Janice Piatz (Hart)

Denny is in the hospital again. He is having major heart surgery. His sister will keep me posted. The doctors did not sound hopeful.

06/19/20 07:57 AM #193    


Barbara Willey (Silkey)

Our prayers are being said for Denny as he goes through heart surgery.  We also pray for Darlene as she recovers from her surgery.

We may not realize ourselves that we the class of '62 are aging.  But if we band together, encourage each other, pray for each other miracles do happen.  Right now both Denny and Darlene need those prayers.  So classmates unite and say those prayers for the benefit of those mates from "62.  We all need a little help from our friends now and then.


06/19/20 09:41 AM #194    


Russell Kraus

Prayers for Darlene and Denny and any others from the Class of '62 with health issues that we're not aware of. Please keep your Class mates informed, it's relatively easy using the Class of '62 website. 

06/19/20 11:41 AM #195    


Larry Reisnouer

Geez Ivy it's great to have a little dialogue going here but you could skip the part about chin hair.  Reminds me of my Grandma now she was a character.  I have to take my almost 16 year old to his high school today to pick up his yearbook.  It's a drive through situation.  Since he got all A's he is doing the driving and he got to pick the car.  He is a good driver but his mom and grandma are fairly nervous.  Actually that's part of the fun.  Stay safe everyone.  

06/20/20 01:30 PM #196    


Larry Reisnouer

His choice was between the Corvette or the SSR.  The SSR is actually more unusual but he went with the Corvette.  He had no problem driving  and had a great time going through the line to pick up the yearbook while a bunch of his friends saw him driving.  I am pretty sure I had as much fun as he did.  

My brother-in-law had a small piece of concrete poured this morning so I need to drive out there and have a couple beers and watch the concrete dry for awhile.   Stay safe.    

06/20/20 02:35 PM #197    


Mary Kay Pederson (Hudyma)

I suddenly feel the need to get in on this discussion on aging.  I am a private, independent person but will share some of our aging concerns.  I have struggled wth type 2 diabetes for almost 18 years with no complications so far.  I had a knee replacement in November, 2018 and am very pleased with the results.  The hardest adjustment has been Nick's diagnosis of dementia about eighteen months ago.  He is able to live at home, but is very confused sometimes.  I have had to depend on our son an daughter who live in Dauphin and their families more often than I would like.  Life goes on, good days and not so good, but I realize we all face challenges with aging!  I appreciate this website and Facebook to keep in touch with classmates and high school friends!

06/20/20 02:59 PM #198    


Mary Ann Straley

Nice to hear what all the 70-something year olds are doing!  I am so fortunate to have had excellent health for 75 yrears, certainly not because I was exemplary in my life style, but the Irish (and other) genes must be good.  I am grateful!

Mary Kay, my heart goes out to you in dealing with Nick's dementia.  We have had so many friends go through that.  Please take good care of yourself!  Oftentimes, the caregiver ends up exhausted and not well him or herself.  It can be difficult to know when it's time to go to Plan B in these situations.  Stay well!  And find a copy of "Making Rounds With Oscar" to read.  You'll find it meaninful.

Ivy, I believe that address you have for Denny is their home address.

Everyone, shelter well and take care!  Virtual hugs! 

06/20/20 03:32 PM #199    

Janice Piatz (Hart)

Ivadel, The address you have is correct. Have a great weekend.


06/21/20 11:28 AM #200    


Larry Reisnouer

Mary Kay really sorry to hear of your siituation.  My wife's family has had similar.  It is great to see people using this forum a bit more.  I was hoping we could use it to exchange some memories or jokes or Ivy can tell us how to get rid of aphids by spraying vodka and lemonade on them.   I wonder if that would work.  Stay safe.

06/21/20 12:01 PM #201    


Sonja Cook (Rudolph)

Hi Mary Kay, My husband had dimenyia and Parkinsons so I know this is not easy for you! It is hard to deal with someone who csnnot reason! or comprehend. He went to the Nursing Home when I broke my femer. So it was like the Lord stepped in and took over because he knew I could not take care of Ralph anymore! Make sure  you take time for yourself and go for coffee with frineds just to talk and be away from it for awhile:)

06/22/20 11:31 AM #202    


Larry Reisnouer

Ivy that wouldn't work for me I don't like lemonade.

06/22/20 09:19 PM #203    


Mary Kay Pederson (Hudyma)

Thank you for the responses of understanding and encouragement!  Hearing from others who have had friends and family members who have dealt with dementia is comforting!


07/01/20 11:12 PM #204    


Larry Reisnouer

You may have noticed I changed my photo.   I thought it was time since my other photo was 10 years old.  I was planning to use the other one for my obit but I think I out lived it.    Stay safe.    Larry

07/03/20 11:34 AM #205    


Larry Reisnouer

It's the glasses didn't you notice the glasses.  Have a great 4th everyone.  Stay safe.  

07/11/20 01:27 PM #206    


Larry Reisnouer

Glad to hear that Denny is doing well.  I put a couple hundred thousand on 18 wheelers myself before starting to have kidney issues. I really liked driving.  Anyway on another subject yesterday I waxed my truck (SSR) got up this morning and I'm so stiff I can hardly walk.  I used to wax a truck, then go dancing then .......well.  Anyway getting older can be a challenge.   Stay safe.

07/13/20 01:02 PM #207    


Sonja Cook (Rudolph)

Wow you have had  very interesting travels!  Fun to hear!   Sonja


07/14/20 11:42 AM #208    


Larry Reisnouer

Well I can tell you one of the more embarrassing things I did during my driving days.  I was single then, the truck was mostly home I kept my car at a truck stop in Devils Lake because that is where the truck was based out of and my parents lived there.  I had a load out of Minneapolis to Havre, Mt in the early spring, when I got to Fargo it was storming sort of a rain/snow mix and freezing.  I drove from Fargo to Devils Lake about 35 mph got to the truck stop and called my parents.  Mom answered and I told her I was coming out to spend the night her reply was be carful driving the roads are icey.  I will let you imagine my reply.  It was about 10-11 at night and my parents lived north of town about 8 miles on a gravel road.  My car was a 64 Pontiac GTO a bit over powered for a gravel road that was solid ice.  I put it in a ditch about 2 miles from my parents, left there and walked the rest of the way.  I told my mom she was sure right about the roads.   Your turn Denny.   Stay safe.

07/23/20 10:26 AM #209    


Larry Reisnouer

If you can't post a response it is because you aren't logged in.  You can read the message forum without being signed in but you can't respond.  For anyone riding the Empire Builder (Amtrac train) through Glacier Park book a couple night stop at The Issac Walton Inn.  It is a great little Inn that was originaly built for use by train crews.  

11/12/20 06:52 AM #210    

Janice Piatz (Hart)

Happy Birthday! Have a great day.        

11/13/20 09:04 AM #211    


Sonja Cook (Rudolph)

Happy birthday to you janice! May your day be filled with happy memories! Have a wonderful day!


11/13/20 11:00 AM #212    

Kenneth Cody

Happy Birthday Janice. Enjoy your day.

11/13/20 02:29 PM #213    


Russell Kraus

Thanks for the Birthday wish ! Take care and stay well. Hopefully this pandemic will settle down soon and we can all get toghether again. 


12/02/20 09:20 AM #214    


Barbara Willey (Silkey)

Greetings Classmates of "62"

Thank you for the sweet angel of Willow Tree "thinking of you".  What a blessing to know that classmates are praying and thinking of oneself and spouse when going thru a scary time.  Everyday Dick is improving and getting stronger.  Just dropped him off for cardiac rehab so know hes going to get a workout this morn.  But I must tell you of the wonderful world of medicine in this state.  The confidence they give one at a moment of crisis, and the respect they show for patients.  We are so lucky to have them. 

While I was occupied and living in a hotel, I see I missed a couple of birthdays.  So belated Happy Birthday to Janice and Russ.  I'm sure your celebrations were fun and happy.  We must celebrate every single one!  And we must celebrate each other.  Friendships are special and long lasting ones, like classmates, are extra precious.


12/02/20 03:12 PM #215    


Russell Kraus

Thanks for the Birthday wish Barb. Keep providing that great care to your patient, Dick, and take care of your self. Hopefully we can all get together and toast each other soon.

12/07/20 05:49 PM #216    


Larry Reisnouer

This is for Darlene Hafner (Tennyson)

I have recently been going through some old photos of my Dads.  In the process I came across about 20 photos of a parade.  They must have been from a Centennial or something of that sort, women watching the parade are dressed in old time long dresses, men have beards etc.  Newest cars in photos are 1958.  There are abouit 20 photos and they are color transparancies.  (slides)  I would like to give them to someone in Carrington would you ask around please.   

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