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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 53.0%

A:   35   Joined
B:   31   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)



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•   Marjorie Neumiller (Brenneke)  1/23
•   Larry Reisnouer  8/20
•   Arne Boyum  9/21
•   Dennis Forsberg  11/21
•   Mary Ann Straley  10/10
•   Linda Siebert (Moser)  10/17
•   Kenneth Cody  5/22
•   Jill Rogelstad (Wagner)  4/30
•   Donna Rude (Fischer)  4/6
•   Janice Piatz (Hart)  3/14
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Welcome to the "Carrington High Class Of 1962, Fifty Years Later !" web site.


Imagine, it's now 'almost' 50 years since Graduation from CHS ! Please give a few minutes of your time and provide us with information regarding you and your "life's journey" over the past 50 years. Additionally, if you can provide information pertaining to any of the friends and Classmates listed on the "In Memory" or "Missing Classmates" pages, please let us know so we can share this info with all your Classmates.


Every ten years, as summertime nears,
An announcement arrives in the mail,
A reunion is planned; it'll be really grand;
Make plans to attend without fail.

I'll never forget the first time we met;
We tried so hard to impress.
We drove fancy cars, smoked big cigars,
And wore our most elegant dress.

It was quite an affair; the whole class was there.
It was held at a fancy hotel.
We wined, and we dined, and we acted refined,
And everyone thought it was swell.

The men all conversed about who had been first
To achieve great fortune and fame.
Meanwhile, their spouses described their fine houses
And how beautiful their children became.

The homecoming queen, who once had been lean,
Now weighed in at one-ninety-six.
The jocks who were there had all lost their hair,
And the cheerleaders could no longer do kicks.

No one had heard about the class nerd
Who'd guided a spacecraft to the moon;
Or poor little Jane, who's always been plain;
She married a shipping tycoon.

The boy we'd decreed 'most apt to succeed'
Was serving ten years in the pen,
While the one voted 'least' now was a priest;
Just shows you can be wrong now and then.

They awarded a prize to one of the guys
Who seemed to have aged the least.
Another was given to the grad who had driven
The farthest to attend the feast.

They took a class picture, a curious mixture
Of beehives, crew cuts and wide ties.
Tall, short, or skinny, the style was the mini;
You never saw so many thighs..

At our next get-together, no one cared whether
They impressed their classmates or not.
The mood was informal, a whole lot more normal;
By this time we'd all gone to pot.

It was held out-of-doors, at the lake shores;
We ate hamburgers, coleslaw, and beans..
Then most of us lay around in the shade,
In our comfortable T-shirts and jeans.

By the fiftieth year, it was abundantly clear,
We were definitely over the hill.
Those who weren't dead had to crawl out of bed,
And be home in time for their pill.

And now I can't wait; they've set the date;
Our 55th is coming, I'm told.
It should be a ball, they've rented a hall
At the Shady Rest Home for the old.

Repairs have been made on my hearing aid;
My pacemaker's been turned up on high.
My wheelchair is oiled, and my teeth have been boiled;
And I've bought a new wig and glass eye.

I'm feeling quite hearty, and I'm ready to party
I'm gonna dance 'til dawn's early light.
It'll be lots of fun; but I just hope that there's one
Other person who can make it that night.

 Author Unknown

Visit to learn all about our town. Check out the link "Old Homes" to see many historic homes in the area. This site has many very nice pictures taken from around the area. All you would ever want to know about Carrington can be found on this site.




Larry Reisnouer  11/3
Roger Schroeder  11/5
Russell Kraus  11/12

I want to thank all of you for the card & kind thoughts
during the reunion. I am truly sorry I could not attend.
However, on the up side my family came to care for me after
each eye surgery. All is going well. Talked to Denny & he
gave me the high lights of the reunion. Sounded like a fun time!
Have a safe rest of your summer. Love Sonja

Susie, just want you to know that my prayers and thoughts are with you. Glad you have family to help you through the days ahead!