Charities We Support




Baba's Foundation, Inc. (


Non-profit development organisation with a mission

Baba’s Foundation (BFI), a non-profit development organisation in the Philippines, provides technical assistance, education and aid primarily to women, farmers and children. Founded in 1987 in the city of Davao in southern Philippines, BFI runs development programmes that include cooperatives, micro-finance, sustainable agriculture and child education.  


BFI’s executive director, Cristita “Tara” Racosalam-Epal, says that BFI’s employees see their work as a mission. ”I think the secret of BFI’s success lies in its deep spiritual and service orientation. BFI sees its work with the poor not just as an activity, but as a mission. Hence, whether we have funds for some of our projects or not, we move on, because we believe money is not the main focus, it is just a tool. At BFI once we assess that a program is critical for people’s welfare, we move ahead with it, finding funds along the way.”






Bagong Kulturang Pinoy (


Bagong Kulturang Pinoy, Inc. is a registered nonprofit organization whose overarching mission is to develop a reading culture among Filipino children in poverty-stricken areas in the Philippines. We believe that when indigent children develop an interest in reading, they will begin to read regularly and consequenttly they will become good readers. We also hope that participants will become proficient in English, which is predominantly used in the government, academic, commerce and business world in the Philippines and most countries in the world. The acquisition of good reading skills and proficiency in English will be these children's ticket to better economic, social, and civic lives in the future.






Bahay Bata Center (


The Angeles Bahay Bata Center is an institution in Central Luzon that seeks to uplift the welfare of ‘street children’. Our mission is to place these children in a safe and caring environment, to give them all the basic necessities of life that any more fortunate child could normally expect. In this setting the children are then given the chance to develop and mature. By giving them an education, psychological support and spiritual guidance, recreational activities and a sense of hope, they have an opportunity to realize their potential, whether it be academically, musically or on the sporting field. We recognize the importance of integrating these children back to their families and society at large, hence our association with other agencies, particularly the City Social Welfare Department (CSWD) which assesses each child’s family situation before the process of reintegration.






Bantay Bata (


Bantay Bata 163 is a child welfare program of ABS-CBN Foundation that not only rescues and rehabilitates sick and abused children, but also provides shelter, therapy and quality home care for rescued children until they can be reunited with their families or referred to proper child-caring agencies.


BB163 gives emphasis on the family through the following services: training and advocacy on child abuse prevention, rehabilitation of families in crisis, educational scholarships, livelihood, community outreach and medical and dental missions.






Buklod Center (


Buklod Center was established in 1987 as a drop in center for women in prostitution outside the former U.S. Subic Naval Base.  Its founding was a joint effort of a core group of women who worked in clubs, Gabriela Commission on Violence Against Women, Mennonite Central Committee, and the Division of Family Ministries of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines.  Since the withdrawal of the U.S. Navy and the resulting decline of the entertainment industry in November 1992, Buklod works to build and empower this community of women and children.


Buklod is a Filipino word meaning a bond which brings people together. Buklod believes that prostitution is one form of violence against women’s human rights. “Ikaw ang Babaeng May Karapatan”    (You are a Women with Rights).  It is a non-stock, non-profit, women’s organization that seeks to raise the consciousness of and promote solidarity among urban poor, the street and bar women of Olongapo City and Subic Zambales. Buklod also seeks the welfare of the women's children, particularly the Amerasian.


Buklod’s main programs are organizing, education (formal and informal), livelihood and advocacy networking.  In 2001 Buklod Center become a People’s Organization.  Currently, women from the bars, clubs and survivors are running the organization.


Buklod’s Vision:


Buklod dreams of one nation with justice and free from exploitation, violation and discrimination against women within the aspects of economy, politics, culture and gender.  This dream will be happen if we unite the different sectors who are victims of exploitation and discrimination and also the support of individuals and organizations that promote the interest of women and children.




Buklod is one organization that works to change the situation of women, particularly women in prostitution.  We can do this through education, like conducting seminars and trainings, to empower women within their situations, and to implement the different programs and advocacies in the interest of women. 




Buklod’s objective is to advocate for the interests of women, particularly those who are in the prostitution industry.








CHILDHOPE is an international, non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian organization whose principal purpose is to advocate for the cause of street children throughout the world. It works toward the liberation of the child from the suffering caused by working and living on the street.


There are millions of impoverished children on the street in the world. In different countries, there are various alternatives for street children but these initiatives are limited. The role of CHILDHOPE is to act as a facilitator among the different organizations and bring them together and work with them in defending the rights of the street children.


CHILDHOPE believes the world community-local, state, and national-if challenged, can and will answer out a sense of justice and compassion with a resounding 'WE DO CARE".






Children's Shelter of Cebu (


In May of 1979, four young Minnesotans left for Cebu to join a group of Filipinos who shared their vision for a ministry to homeless children.  They worked with their Filipino companions to learn the language, adjust to a new culture, purchase a house, and obtain licensing from the government.  Children were soon being placed with them, some who had special needs.  A second home was established in 1985.  Children were placed for adoption through the Philippine government's Department of Social Welfare and Development.


In 1992, the Schmidt Family Foundation of Canada built two beautiful new houses for the ministry. These facilities have enabled us to care for an increased number of children and are a testimony to God's goodness and CSC's commitment to the future. 


In 1995, the CSC staff began planning for a school to help meet the needs of the children under our care.  Through a series of God-inspired events, friends in Hong Kong, Manila and the United States made this possible with timely and generous gifts.  The school construction began in October of 1997 and school opened in August of 1998.






Stairway Foundation Inc. (


Is a non-government children's rights organization in the Philippines providing Residential rehabilitation center for street children, children with tuberculosis, and children from jails. It also provides trainings and capacity building activities on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention thru the use of its animation toolkits "Daughter, a story of incest" and "A Good Boy, a story of pedophilia". Community Assistance.


A learning and resource center for children's rights located in the Philippines


Our creative advocacy work is based on more than ten years of experience in working directly with street children:


Capacity building through networks...  development and distribution of materials for education and advocacy, workshops and staff trainings;


Prevention and treatment of child sexual abuse... workshops and trainings for teachers and caregivers, counseling and therapy for survivors;


Service oriented program... recovery and rehabilitation center offering therapy and education for street children and children with serious health problems, such as tuberculosis; and,


Children's rights advocacy... international distribution of newsletters, presentations, performances and visits by student groups from the Philippines and abroad.






Visayan Forum Foundation (


VISAYAN FORUM FOUNDATION, INC. (VFFI) is a non-profit, non-stock and tax-exempt non-government organization in the Philippines established in 1991, licensed and accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) to provide "residential care and community-based programs and services for women and children in especially difficult circumstances." VFFI works for the protection and justice of marginalized migrants, specifically the trafficked women and children and the domestic workers or kasambahays.


VFFI is recognized for its pioneering efforts in advocating the recognition, development and full legal protection of domestic workers in the Philippines. It has helped organize the Samahan at Ugnayan ng mga Manggagawang Pantahanan sa Pilipinas (SUMAPI), a national organization of domestic workers. VFFI, along with SUMAPI and its local and international partners, has been lobbying for the passage of the Batas Kasambahay (Domestic Worker’s Bill) in order to uplift the situation of our local domestic workers by ensuring their well-being and protection.


The organization operates nine offices covering 14 projects areas. It provides assistance to trafficking victims by providing them shelter in seven halfway houses in sea ports (Manila, Batangas, Iloilo, Matnog, Surigao, Davao and Zamboanga) and in the Manila International Airport. Trafficking victims are given legal assistance and psychosocial aid through counselling and life skills training to name a few.


VFFI’s work with child domestic workers has been cited by ILO-IPEC and the United Nations Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI) as an international best practice. Its anti-trafficking partnership with the Philippine government and private shipping companies was also hailed as one of the international best practices by the U.S. State Department in its 2005 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report.


Ms. Cecil Flores-Oebanda, VFFI’s Founder and Executive Director, is a recipient of the 2005 Anti-Slavery Award by Anti-Slavery International—the world’s oldest human rights organization—she was recognized by the UK government as one of the Modern-Day Abolitionists in the celebration of the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act in March.






Women Helping Women Centre in Angeles City (


The Women Helping Women Center is a drop-in center for women working in the Entertainment Industry (bars, videokes, massage parlors). It is a place where women can come to relax and enjoy the company of other women. The Center offers a variety of events, skills training opportunities, counselling, a play corner for children, and the services of a female PNP officer stationed at the Center. It is also a cool place to relax, read a magazine or talk with friends. So come in, relax and enjoy...this is YOUR center. You are always welcome.



The Women Helping Women Center was born out of a project collaboration between Canadian and Filipino partners. The project titled 'Sex Trade in the Philippines' aims to increase awareness and the country's capacity to deal more effectively and sensitively with the women who work in the sex trade.


The five-year project started in 2000 and is primarily funded through Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).


Filipino Partners: Soroptimist International, WEDPRO, Philippine National Police, Supreme Court of the Philippines, and Angeles University Foundation.


Canadian Partners: Saint Mary's University and Mount Saint Vincent University.






Tuloy Foundation (


Helps in the upliftment of abandoned and street children.


Vision: Street children REDEEMED from helplessness and EMPOWERED to choose right.


Mission: We aim to be a center of excellence in the reintegration of street children into mainstream society through a comprehensive program of caring, healing, and teaching.


Goal: We aim to help these children acquire values, habits, and capabilities for self-direction and their eventual reintegration into the mainstream of society.


Fundamental Strategy: We believe in the use of loving kindness, reason, and religion, as well as training to self-direction and responsibility.


Program Purpose: The Tuloy sa Don Bosco Street Children Program aims to promote a comprehensive approach in order to meet the physical, economic, psycho-social, moral and spiritual needs of street children. This is achieved by increasing their access to social services, health care, education, training, and placement services, bringing them to a level where they can be employed. This approach implies adopting multiple levels of intervention to deal with the clientele´s various needs.






Tingog sa Kabataan (


Tingog sa Kabataan (or Voice Of The Children) provides a forum for a group of youngsters, who have all themselves been victims of sexual abuse of one form or another. The aim - to warn youngsters of the dangers of being lured into the commercial sex trade. The programme is assisted by various NGOs in Cebu. [17] [18]


This programme in Tagalog is produced by 18 high school and college students from Cebu City, Philippines, some of whom have been victims of abuse. It's about children and young people’s rights. Supported by Terre des Hommes and ECPAT (eliminating child prostitution, child pornography and trafficking of children).


Tingog sa Kabataan, which means 'Voice of the Children', is a 30-minute radio programme airing every Sunday morning on DYSS, a local AM band radio station of the GMA Network in Barangay Lahug, Cebu City, Philippines. First broadcast in 1999, the show is produced by 18 youth between the ages of 9 and 21, some of whom have at one time been victims of various kinds of abuse. The primary goal of Tingog sa Kabataan is to enable marginalised children to talk about and advocate for change related to issues affecting them - especially rights-related issues.






The Purple Rose Campaign (


Launched in the US on February 14, 1999, the Purple Rose Campaign is an international mass campaign aimed at expressing and creating a ground swell of opposition to capital's assault on the bodies of women and children. The Purple Rose Campaign Against Trafficking of Filipino Women and Children has helped bring International attention to the sex trade of Filipina women and children.






Springboard Foundation (


The Springboard Foundation is raising funds to help children in the Philippines. Empowering people to help themselves. Creating healthy, nurturing environments. Promoting growth within the environment of the family. Supporting schools, health care centers, orphanages and homes for street children.


Our Vision: Filipino children growing up in nurturing homes with access to good education, nutrition, medical care and good quality career opportunities.


Our Mission: To raise funds to develop healthy, nurturing environments for children in the Philippines. 


Our Goal is:


·         To build schools and day-care centers.

·         To renovate pediatric government hospital wards.

·         To purchase of medicines and life-saving equipment.

·         To establish micro loan funds for young enterprising mothers as source of livelihood.

·         To provide tools and equipment for vocational training.

·         To install family development projects.

·         To implement essential nutrition programs for children.

·         To support homes for abandoned, abused and neglected children.

·         To support birthing homes and knowledge and development centers for women.

·         To supply sport equipment, musical instruments and art materials and other teaching aids to schools and homes for children.








A loving home for every child.


The SOS Children's Village concept was born out of Dr. Hermann Gmeiner's conviction that help for orphaned and neglected children can only be effective when they grow up within a family and a home.


With its eight to fifteen family houses, the SOS Children's Village constitutes a social network that offers the children scope for contacts within a protected framework. At the same time the SOS Children's Village is also the children's bridge to the world at large (school, clubs, the church, neighbors, etc).








World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Motivated by our Christian faith, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people. World Vision serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.


World Vision partners with children and the communities among the poorest areas to help improve lives and combat poverty.


World Vision strives to build thriving communities where peace and justice prevail and all can enjoy security, opportunity and happiness.








The Maharlika Charity Foundation Inc. is a non-stock, non profit charity foundation which renders services to the marginalized and indigenous Filipinos.


Our mission/vision is 


1. To hold outreach surgical missions to areas where specialized medical/surgical services are unavailable to the indigenous and indigent segment of the population.

2. to promote a replicable alternative to health care services delivery which is cost-effective and would venefit a large segment of the population 

3. to continue to upgrade and update the ambulatory surgery center through the acquisition of modern equipment for eye and reconstructive surgery 

4. continue upgrading the local health service practitioners through its education program 

5. increase the number of benefeciaries of its medical-surgical services within the city of Davao and Mindanao 

6. to become a world-class training center for health care services delivery in partnership with government, sponsors and other NGO's 

7. to inculcate into its medical staff, nurses and employees the philosophy of rendering the BEST services responsive to the needs of patients without expecting anything in return.








Give A Life children's charity, for the under-privileged sick and dying in the Philippines.

Some of Manila's largest pediatric wards need your help. Your donations will provide life saving medicine and equipment for children from the poorest families in the Philippines.

The Give A Life Foundation, ensures that 100 % of your gifts go to help sick children in the pediatric wards of Luzon and the Philippines!


Our primary goal is to replace and upgrade the equipment used in these wards. We have also created a new, cost effective and efficient systems for access to medicines, antibiotics, cancer drugs, medical supplies, disinfectants and soaps for the very poorest cases.








Gawad Kalinga (GK) translated in English means to “to give care”, and it is an alternative solution to the blatant problem of poverty not just in the Philippines but in the world. GK’s vision for the Philippines is a slum-free, squatter-free nation through a simple strategy of providing land for the landless, homes for the homeless, food for the hungry and as a result providing dignity and peace for every Filipino.  


What started in 1995 as a daring initiative by Couples for Christ to rehabilitate juvenile gang members and help out-of-school youth in Bagong Silang, Caloocan City, then the biggest squatters’ relocation area in the Philippines, has now evolved into a movement for nation-building.  Together with its partners, Gawad Kalinga is now in the process of transforming poverty stricken areas with the goal of building 700,000 homes in 7,000 in 7 years (2003-2010).  To date Gawad Kalinga is in over 900 communities all over the Philippines and in other developing countries. (establish link to GK ABROAD, write-ups on GK Communities outside the Philippines)


Gawad Kalinga is more than about building houses for the poorest of the poor.  Providing a decent home is just the beginning of the transformation of the people and the community.












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