School Chants & Song

Freshman Chant:

Ip Skiddly Ooten Dooten
Bah, Bah Ska Deeten Dotten.
Aha Cha, Rah Cha
Cedar High!


Sophomore Chant:

Digga Digga Hot Potata
Half Past an Aligata
Ram Bam Boom A-Legga
Chick-A-Rah Dah
Cedar High School
Boom Rah Rah!


Junior Chant:

Go Cedar Go
Go Cedar Go
Go Cedar
Go Cedar
Go Cedar Go!


Senior Chant:



School Song:

When the Redmen, our team, is in the game.
And the whole school is fighting to guard it's name.
And the Reds yell like warriors as the team goes by.
There's a killing in the old town tonight.
When Cedar's banners are waving in triumph o'er the hill.
And Cedar's cohorts are cheering for the Reds have made their kill.  (Rah, Rah)
This day is ours, ours forever let victory never fade.
Then rise, rise and cheer boys, till the winning score is made.
