In Memory

David McIntyre

David Dean McIntyre  Born in Lincoln, Nebraska July 1, 1948
He was born with a heart condition and was not suppose to live to be 5.  He was restricted in activities but still managed to do may things.  He was a member of St Paul's Methodist Church and the DeMolay.  He was a member of Concert Choir at Washington High School.  He wanted to be an architect. He passed away on April 3, 1967 at home.

The following article is from the surveyor.

David McIntyre

(Editor’s Note:David McIntyre, a Washington Senior, died of a heart ailment on April 3. Dave was a member of Concert Choir, DeMolay, and was active in church activities.)

   To do something different; that was Dave McIntyre. Whether it was guiding a rock and roll band through its infancy, or designing a city of tomorrow in Industrial arts, Dave never wanted to do the same thing twice.

   It was this “hard work” attitude that his friends soon came to know him for, and even though he was restricted in his activities, his own exuberance toward life always seemed to break through and rub off on those around him.

   Dave showed his feeling for life, when he said, “If you’re going to do something worthwhile, do it today; you may not have time tomorrow.”

-Russ Collins