In Memory

Patty Leefers

Patty Leefers

Patricia Ann Leefers of Marion died November 22, 2008 following an extended illness. She was survived by her daughter Melissa and granddaughter Ellie. She was 59.

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08/22/13 07:15 PM #1    

Dennis K. Dochterman

Patty Leefers was a friend of Stu Lehr at Washington High. I used to visit them both in their home-room between classes. I have a fading Polaroid photo of Patty at her desk, with Stu and me pretending to read books, trying to amuse her. Patty had a sly sense of humor. Maybe that's why I went to a party I knew she was going to be at,way back in 1965. Sure wish I had known her better. Sure wish she wasn't gone.

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