In Memory

Steven Putnam

Steve Putnam was a member of the Washington Football and Swim Team.

Born May 21st 1949.  He died November 12, 1965 in an automobile accident.


The following was from the Surveyor Friday November 19, 1965.

                                                      Steven James Putnam

   Steve was a junior at Washington High where he participated on the football team. His favorite summer activity was water skiing. He had worked up to the LIFE rank in Scouting and attended meetings of the “Young Life”.

   As a member of the Washington High swimming team, he recently moved up from the Junior Varsity to the Varsity squad and only hours before his death, had made the traveling squad for the first swim meet of the season.

   Before coming to Washington, Steve was a member of the “Boys Club” at Elmcrest Country Club where he was a leader and learned how to get along with people.

   Steve was courteous and quiet, appreciative of every little thing anyone did for him. He put forth more than average because he wanted to belong. Sensitive to change, yet quiet and thoughtful, Steve’s reserved reactions were seldom noticeable.

   Steve was put to rest wearing his new swim team blazer. As sadness of this tragedy has fallen upon Washington High, there are some things we need to remember – that there are some things too fine to die. . .This motto bespeaks the qualities of life and spirit that he possessed:


                                            “For when the One Great Scorer comes

                                                     To write against your name,

                                           He writes ---- Not that you won or lost ---

                                                 But how you played the game.”


A host of friends join today in saying, “He played that game well --- very well indeed.”

                                                                                                      ---Mr. Harold Krizan

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12/08/14 06:02 PM #1    

Stuart Lehr




Spent a lot of time in Steve's house growing up- right next to that park near Franklin.  We raised a lot of "hell" at Arthur as I'm sure Dan Hampton can attest to...   And Hal Krizan's name brings up a lot of memories as well-  Washington was a state powerhouse in swimming thanks to him!!    Must admit I had forgotten he died in only our junior year!!




01/26/16 11:22 PM #2    

Donna Thorpe (Cilley)

I remember the day Steve passed as though it were yesterday.  I was working at my Dad's office and my Dad came in to give me the new of Steve's accident. We were very good friends at that time and it was so very sad for someone so young to be gone. He was a very sweet young man.

01/27/16 12:56 PM #3    

William Kirkpatrick

I visited a number of times to Cedar Memorial Cemetery where he was buried and could never locate his grave.  I remember his services concluding there.  Three years ago on Memorial Day while visiting other friends/ relatives gravesites I found out after inquiring from Cedar Memorial Staff that Steve's remains were relocated to the Indianola Masonic Cemetery south of Des Moines.  He was originally interred in the Masonic area of Cedar Memorial.  I can only suspect that his father was a Mason and for some reason perhaps that is where his family may have chosen later in life.  It always is so sad to see a life filled with talent to end before it really begins.  The Wash swim team left its mark.  

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