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10/29/08 10:19 AM #1    

Nicole Swan

Welcome to the Sts Peter And Paul High School Class Of 1990 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

12/04/08 04:06 PM #2    

Cindy Green (Augustin)

Doesn't seem like much is going on here. So I guess I'll try to get it started. What's going on for the 20 year reunion. I missed the 10 year. Wasn't really interested at the time to play catch up with anyone. Just going through my own issues I guess. But lately I've been feeling a little sentimental...wondering how everyone is doing. So here I am. Ready and willing to lend a hand in whatever way I can.

Heard something about a cruise...sounds like fun... please let me know what's going on.

12/10/08 12:53 PM #3    

Marshaw Ryan (N/A)

Allright, I'm tired of coming to this site and not seeing anything new so I thought I'd give someone a thrill since I'm not getting any:)
I didn't really hear anything specific about the 10 year reunion so I wasn't aware there was one.
I've done a bit of traveling since I left school and I've just never seemed to make a connection with any one place like the one I have of STT. It's been so long since I haven't seen anyone from school, sometimes I wonder if you guys really exist or was it all a dream:)
I feel our formative years are such a big part of what makes us who we are and seeing everyone would be almost like reconnecting with ourselves.
Now that we have this site, it's our own little reunion or sorts. It's great to keep in touch, if not physically, then at least we can have the site as a radar where we can keep track each others location and decrease the distance somewhat.

12/12/08 08:43 AM #4    

Melissa Rivera

Hi all! Glad to see that some people have become members and are actually using the site. I hope to make use of this site after the Holidays to keep everyone informed as to the plans for the 2010 Class Reunion. For those who are not aware we have had several meeting and fundraiser events. Anyone interested in attennding the cruise and being affilited with the 2010 Class Reunion needs to let me know so I can forward the Survey and Participation Form. I am very happy that we have been able to get in contact with alot of you that I have not seen since graduation day. Happy Holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wishing you all a safe and happy holidays. Please keep in touch and lets make this a wonderful and successful 2010 Class Reunion and most of all to keep in touch with those that we spent our years in school with.

02/18/09 02:54 PM #5    

Cindy Green (Augustin)

So is anybody going to use this thing????? What's the point of having it if we are not going to use it?? Anyway I was just wondering how people like me, who are not on the island to help out with bake sales, can contribute to fundraiser events... Any ideas?? Anyone???

Also just curious as to what has been the consensus so far concerning location of the reunion.

09/03/09 01:03 PM #6    

Marshaw Ryan (N/A)

Is anybody out there?:)

Was just home for a quick week. Everything was pretty quiet, didn't see anyone from school. Just went to have a quick check on my Da. Went to the beach about everyday I was there. Island looks so small:)

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