Classmate Profiles (1962)

     Contains profile information: 18
     Profile contains photos: 6
     In Memory: 4
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 1
     Military Service: 6
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Elaine Allison (DeAlmeida)    
Gerry Blackwood    
Mona Blaker (Ridder)   
Johnny Brown  
Mary Ann Camp (Meyer)  
Helen Chandler (Gray)   
Ed Cobleigh
Suzanne DeMars  
Mary Ruth Denney (Jones)
David A. Dietsch    
Bill Frazier     
Allen Gilmore    
David Gore    
Sandy Hickey (Grizzaffi)   
Annette Louise Hollomon (Tollett)   
Bob Horner    
Ina Ruth Ingram
Barry Jenkins    
Linda Lou Loy  
Nancy Mullins (Hunt)   
Phil Risley    
Carol Sanders (Gatewood)   
Polly Sisson
Gretchen Thal (Johnson)   
Susan Thompson
Wilks Thrasher, Jr.  
Alec Walker
Bill West   
Roger Williams

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