In Memory

Stanley German - Class Of 1966

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04/21/09 05:40 AM #1    

Marcella (Marty) Kissinger (Fahm) (1971)

Stanly you lived across the street from me. You and Richard Neeley and my sister sherry were alway putting on plays for us little kids to watch. You were always nice to me even when Sherry wanted to get rid of the little kid.

03/03/16 09:25 PM #2    

Teresa Marlene Phillips (Harrison) (1966)

Great musical talent.

03/04/16 10:04 AM #3    

Bailey Peyton Brien (1966)

I'm glad the comment of another alumnus brought me back here to where apparently I forgot to leave my own message previously.  Stanley, whether elsewhere in the universe or nowhere now -- you are a great human being.  I knew you as both thoughtful and caring.  I regretted very much that you had to be one among us who perforce departed before your time.  I still think about you. (As I do about many of us, both living and otherwise, who traveled together for at least our three years at CHS.)

03/05/16 11:40 AM #4    

Scott Pogue (1966)

When Stanley and I were in the sixth grade at Dupont Elementary school, we were in a play....Gilbert & Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore. Stanley played Captain Corcoran and I played Rafe Rack straw (suitor to the Captain's daughter Josephine. His talent was evident at age 11. I even remember the songs and the play like it was yesterday.

03/05/16 02:32 PM #5    

Richard Merle Waugaman (1966)

I appreciate reading the comments about Stanley German. Yes, he was a great fan of Gilbert & Sullivan. Some of you may remember that he wrote his own comic operetta, that was staged at a theater in Chattanooga. Was it called the Little Theater? I'm not sure. He had impressive musical talents. I knew Stanley both at "Northside" Junior High, and also at "City." 

My wife Elisabeth Pearson Waugaman (daughter of "Madame Pearson," our French teacher) received the Distinguished Alumna Award at GPS last spring. During a break in the activities, we drove the short distance to what we thought was still Chattanooga High School. We were so out of touch we hadn't heard it's now an arts school. Knowing that our "City High School" is no more, this website is all the more valuable, and I'm all the more grateful to those who created and maintain it. 


04/04/17 06:57 PM #6    

Ralph Irwin Miller (1965)




DownMy senior year, Stanley's junior year, I formed a jazz quintet. Harold Coe, drums, Wayne Ragland, bass, Barry Crow, piano and myself on sax were the first members. I still needed someone to play vibraphone. The chart that I got from Downbeat Magazine by jazz musician Paul Horn included vibes. I asked of anyone could play vibes in the music department and Stanley said he would give it a try since he played piano as well as cello and upright bass. He was fantastic on the vibes. You would have thought he had always played them.

We first performed at our annual Swing Band show, Prevues, in January and then again on two separate nights for Stunt Night in February. Before Stunt Night Miss Pryor asked is to go to WDEF to perform live on Luncheon Fun at noon to advertise the show. We got out of school and got to be on tv. What an exciting thing. 

While I was performing I happened to look at the big monitors on the floor in front of us and I was momentarily in awe of what I saw. They had two different cameras on Stanley's hands playing the vibraphone and a larger shot of me on the sax overplayed over each other. It was so amazing I almost stopped playing to watch. Too bad they didn't video everythingvthen and there would have been a tape of that show.

Stanley was a very talented musician and great guy and I am very thankful I got the opportunity to know him and perform in different musical groups with someone of his ability.


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