In Memory

Carolyn Fine (Trimble) - Class Of 1965

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01/19/10 12:28 PM #1    

Darius Roland Keith (1965)

Funny what remains vivid in the cobwebs of one's brain, and what is lost. When I was persuaded to attend my first CHS reunion in 2000, (our 35th), I began flipping through my '65 annual and time traveling. I came up with several classmates I especially looked forward to seeing again.
It was shocking to discover three of those classmates have passed on. Among those names was that of Carolyn Fine.
I rode the bus to City from East Lake each day, transfering buses downtown. Frequently, I'd go up to Miller Bros. mezzanine for a cup of coffee and a bit of "people watching". I believe Carolyn was waiting to be picked up by family each afternoon when it became common for us to share a table and chat a long while.
We seemed to be from two different planets back then, and maybe that was part of the fascination. Carolyn was wise and mature beyond her years, as we talked about life, relationships and dreams. I've often thought of her as my "analyst" when recalling those conversations.
Life is fleeting, and no one gets out alive, but I feel a bit cheated that I never got to see her again, and tell her how much I enjoyed those afternoons at Millers.
Darius, (Dee) Keith

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