In Memory

Jerry Lynn - Class Of 1968

Jerry Lynn

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09/04/13 10:05 PM #1    

Denise Wilson (Morrow) (1968)

My condolence.

05/24/14 12:42 AM #2    

David Corbin (1968)

I became a friend of Jerry's our senior year; and our friendship continued through college, even though he became a Kappa Sigma and I a Lambda Chi at UTC.  We were the object of many second-looks walking  to the Student Center (him wearing his white-with-red KE jersey and me in my purple-with-gold LXA jersey).  Unfortunately, after graduating (as often the case) we lost touch, until about two years ago.  We kept planning to get together for a Subway sandwich; but suddenly, his almost regular e-mails stopped.  He had mentioned some health-issues; but at our age, who doesn't have some.  Finally, I contacted a mutual CHS friend, who regretfully told me Jerry had died.  Jerry was a 'good-guy' that makes a person smile-in-their-heart, when remembering him.



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