In Memory

Robert Benns - Class Of 1964

Robert Benns

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11/21/09 10:18 PM #1    

Mike Carter (1966)

One never knows the impact he might have on others. Robert influenced me that way. I was a 10th grader. We were having PE exercises on the football field at the bottom of the hill. Robert was one of the student upper class helpers. We had to run a mile. I didn't know I could run, but I ended up finishing in the top 4 or 5 runners. Robert told me I should try to run cross country. I never did because I had to deliver papers after school when practice took place. His encouragement has influenced me since that day in the Fall of 1963. Who would have thought that his few words would remain with me for all these years? After high school I became involved in Chattanooga boxing. Running was a major part of the fitness aspect of boxing. His words served as inspiration for me. I knew I could run! Thank you Robert. I hope some of your family reads this.

10/22/23 08:09 PM #2    

Tim R Morton (1964)

Robert A Benns

Born October 1946

Deceased in Jul 1997

Location Confluence, PA



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