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Russell Brooks

Profile Updated: January 21, 2010
Class Year: 1973
Residing In: Orlando, FL USA
Spouse/Partner: Demond
Occupation: Professional Choreographer
Children: Daughter - Heather age 24
Son - Allen Age 23
Military Service: Air Force  
School Story:

Well not to go into to much detail, but my high school days were hard. I wanted to run track, but was not at all comfortable with what my team mates might think, even I at the time was unsure, I have realized since school, and then the military, that I am and was in while h.s., gay... This was hard growing up, but am now very comfortable with myself and my partner demond, we have been together for quite a while now, as well as some of the classmates that I have reconnected with since joining the web site. thank you all for allowing me Rusty to just be who I am... cant wail for future events