Philip C. Travis

Profile Updated: November 17, 2010
Occupation: LAWYER
Yes! Attending Reunion

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Oct 02, 2020 at 2:56 PM

Posted on: Oct 01, 2020 at 11:37 AM

Hello- I'm still around, my urologist says I'm bladder cancer free since December 2013-have to have a cystoscopy yearly. My pacemaker (bradycardia heart attack 2015) is still functioning-just had a stress test [radioisotope version]and an ultra sound of the heart muscle.. Had to have a Covid 19 test before all that-nurse almost punched the q-tip into my brain-but yay-negative result. Sorry for all the medical stuff-comes with aging-beats the alternative,My arithmetic [despite Denzil Carpenter] says 2021 is sixty years since 1961-do we have any plans for reunion? In September I attended a convention of the Grottoes of North America [Masonic Group] in Louisville, KY which was originally scheduled for June [Chinese virus again]. I visited the Louisville Slugger Museum and stopped by the Brown Hotel {originator} for a famous HOT BROWN meal. I frequent the Red Robin restaurant in Kenwood Shopping Center because I love Steak Fries- they have bottomless sides of the product. I've been saddened to note classmates who won't be with us at a 60th but I hope -God willing and the creek don't rise- to be there. Until later best of health to all of you--PHIL
