to the NEW Cindy Margolis.Com!!

I can not tell you how happy I am that you've come to visit my page. If you are looking to REACH for the STARS - to finally be SEEN, be HEARD and be DISCOVERED for the awesome YOU that YOU ARE... then you are definitely and finally in the right place at the right time!
I promise you, they don't call me the Queen of the Internet or the Most Downloaded Woman in the World for nothing! I AM your chance to become ONE YOU, ONE PLACE, ONLINE and I'm so very anxious to welcome you into my Social Entertainment Employment Network.... otherwise known as theSEEN.com!!
But more about that later! Right now allow me to tell you a little bit about myself! Afterall, this page IS about me and my accomplishments and if you don't know how I came to be me... then how will you trust that I can also help YOU be YOU!?? And so the story goes.......
A Millennium of Success
Cindy exploded on the scene in the late 1980's having held the distinction of being crowned "The Most Downloaded Celebrity on the Internet" by the Guinness Book of World Records. Her image and story has been featured in some of the worlds' most popular publications including Vanity Fair, NewsWeek, Forbes, USA Today, People, Maxim and Playboy.
She has enjoyed a long and successful career in prime time TV and has several Hollywood Movie credits to her name. She has been the host, producer and star of many television shows, specials and documentaries including; Vh1's Inside Out, MSNBC's Woman of the Net, and E! The Entertainment Channels "In your Dreams with Cindy Margolis" as well as her own CBS variety Show from South Beach Miami... "The Cindy Margolis Show". She recently also tackled Reality Television with her own Fox Reality channel dating series "Seducing Cindy" and the ABC Family Channel hit "Beverly Hills Nannies".
Sharing Her Experience To Help Others
For all of Cindy's career success, she faced a cold reality in her efforts to have a child. She went from worldwide star to one of the more than nine million women each year desperately trying to conceive. After more than a year of disappointment and with a growing sense of insecurity, Cindy began a determined effort to have a family - an effort that included an array of treatments (including five in-vitro fertilizations and surrogacy). Her journey resulted in three happy and healthy children. This profound experience led Cindy on a quest to help women navigate the world of infertility treatments and procedures, leading her to pen the book "Having a Baby...When the Old-Fashioned Way Isn't Working: Hope and Help for Everyone Facing Infertility". Sincere, supportive, and funny - Cindy provides the direction, advice, and information that could only come from a woman who's been in the trenches and emerged battle-scarred, but victorious.
A New Challenge
Savvy self-promotion and sheer determination helped Cindy achieve stardom, but she accepts a certain amount of luck was involved with her (or anyone) being initially discovered by the entertainment industry. Realizing through the years how many undiscovered, talent individuals never receive that bit of luck she has always had a certain degree of committment in her own career goals focused on ways to change that .
Recognized recently as the only woman in the 100 TOP PEOPLE IN THE WORLD who molded the World Wide Web as we know it today..... and the receipient of many Internet related achievement awards Cindy sets out today to take advantage of her lifetime internet and entertainment achievements, combining them to finally and ultimately bring a level playing field to anyone with stars in their eyes and dreams of being discovered.
TheSEEN.com! The first ever Social Entertainment Employment Network, developed (by Cindy and friends) to create a bridge between talent and industry professionals, giving artists a 'leg up' to showcase their skills to an industry that is always seeking new talent.
Launched in the Spring of 2012, theSEEN.com is quickly becoming the premier online destination for talent looking to belong to and benefit by the success of those that went before them. With the right tools, the right connections and the right opportunities, everyone gets a fair shot at reaching their goals. Cindy vows to bring that and more to all in a "One You, One Place... Online" format .
I've been lucky enough to do so many differrent things throughout my career...