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After the 50th Reunion, should the website be continued?




•   Gloria Manson (Brewster)  9/20
•   Donita Etheridge  3/10
•   Keith Baldwin  1/18
•   Linda Williams (Lewis)  9/1
•   Cornelius White  12/26
•   Lucy Robertson (Henderson)  11/13
•   Kathy Kovach (Gobora)  10/27
•   Cordell Kennedy  4/16
•   Benjamin Betts Lll  4/14
•   Michael Mobley  2/27
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Who lives where - select from the dropdown to find out.


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Percentage of Joined Classmates: 30.0%

A:   139   Joined
B:   324   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

Hello Rebels 
During this 2020 pandemic, It is our wish that you take this time to be safe.  If you have any questions regarding what you must do to be safe, please go to the for valid information.  Not only are we hoping you be safe, but you take the time to rest, reflect, reconnect, and show love.   Remember, we have the Message Forum if you wish to reconnect with fellow Rebels.  Again, Be Safe.
Join us for :
The 17th Annual Luncheon Reunion John Adams High School
Classes 1941 to 1968 and Friends
for more info go to the icon on the left which say John Adams Reunion Luncheon and click on those words
The John Adams Class of 1968 celebrated their 50th Class Reunion
on August 17-18, 2018.
over 100 people attended
It was indeed fabulous
  The Crown Plaza Hotel
5300 Rockside Rd.
Independence, Ohio
was our host hotel.   Rooms were reserved for John Adams Alumni for Fri August 17, and Sat. August 18th 2018 for $95  night. 
A dinner dance will be held at the Crown Plaza, Friday evening, August 17th.  
Dinner Dance    6:00  Social Hour
7:30 Dinner Served
Please inform us if you are a vegan or vegetarian.
The cost of the 50th reunion:
$75 for the dinner dance, cookout, and tee shirt or
$55 for dinner dance only
$20 for cookout only
$15 for John Adams tee shirt only
The Crowne Plaza has requested payment and number of individuals attending dinner dance by August 1, 2018.  Also they need to know the number of vegan and vegetarian dinners by August 1, 2018.
The Cookout as held at 
The Manner
24111 Rockwell Dr
Euclid, Ohio 44117
August 18, 2018
12:00 noon to 6:00 p.m. 
 all checks payable to:
The John Adams 68 Reunion - C/O Julius Averyheart, PO Box 20433- Cleveland, Ohio 44120. 
include tee shirt sizes - small, medium, large, extra large, etc.  Also include if you are a vegan or vegetarian.
You may begin sending your payments to the above address.
 The John Adams Class of 68  held  the 45th class reunion on August  9th and 10th
2013 at the Manor Party Center.   85 Rebels attended the dinner dance at the Manner Center Complex at 24111 Rockwell Rd.  Euclid, Ohio 44117.  There was much laughter, much getting reacquainted and an overall just wonderful time.

On Saturday the John Adams Class of 68 held its cookout at the Country House and Park at 24111 Rockwell Rd. Euclid, Ohio 44117.  45 people attended.  We had much fun.

For those Rebels who would like to help keep the website going for the next 4 years, please make your donation of $10.  You should send a check payable to:

The John Adams 68 Reunion - C/O Julius Averyheart, PO Box 20433- Cleveland, Ohio 44120. 


Can you name the orchestra teacher?  Can you name any members of the orchestra?


Can you name anyone on this newspaper staff?

Alexis Walker Jones host a 15 minute Inspirational Conference Call on Monday mornings at 6:45 to 7 am.   It's called Rise & Shine and it's based on Isa. 60:1 "Arise, shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord rises upon you."     To join our host call: (559) 546-1000  Passcode:  145304#      Join Alexis each MONDAY morning at 6:45-7:00 AM

Remember walking to school in the snow?



Bring a Rebel who has never been to the Reunion to our 45th Reunion. 


Remember SMADA - John Adams spelled backwards.  These were the students who patrolled the halls and made sure we went to class.  Do you recognize anyone?

Don't Forget to Love

The JA Key Club.  Can you name any of these Rebels?

The JA Chess Club.  Do you recognize anyone?

Remember Driver's Education Class?  Who is this teacher?  Who are the students sitting on the car?

THE 40TH CLASS REUNION WAS FANTASTIC.  100 PEOPLE ATTENDED.  There was much food, laughter, dancing and fun.  People came from as far West as Tacoma, Washington and Oakland, California.  Rebels came from as far East as Washington, DC and Baltimore, Maryland.  And, of course Rebels from Atlanta were well represented. Rebels from Kentucky, Illinois, and Pennsylvania came as well.  And, of course the John Adams Rebels who made Cleveland their home came out and welcomed home our Rebels who have moved to other parts of the country.  The best part of the reunion was seeing the smiles, hearing the laughter, and watching the people hug, and noting that Rebels really enjoyed reuniting with one another.  THIS WAS REALLY A FANTASTIC REUNION.


68 Rebelettes - Linda, Regina, Belinda, Norma, Donita, and Mrs. Thomas (advisor)

Vickie Tolbert, Annette Rager Doyle and Donald Barnes

Geofrey Griffin, William Johnson, Benjamin Betts, and Julius Averyheart

To view more reunion pictures, go to Reunion Photos section in the top left navigation bar.




Diane Hicks Neal (class of 68) was called to her eternal rest on February 11, 2019.  Viewing will occur on Friday at Gaines Funeral Home 5386 Lee Rd.  Maple Heights, Ohio 44137.  Funeral Service will be held on Saturday, February 23, 2019.  Wake 10:00 am.  Funeral 10:30.


Jerry Williams  9/24
Eugene Vaughn II  9/25
Beverlee Browning  9/27
Alice Khol  9/29
Beryl Dixon (Scott)  10/2
Beryl Dixon (Scott)  10/2
Roy A Stokes  10/17

Alexis (Walker)Jones is hosting an online radio show with other seniors called Golden Voices. One of the participants is our own Benjamin Betts. You can listen to us every Tuesday at 6:00pm. Go to

Rebels , it is my hopes and prayers that my entire JA Class family and friends with God’s mercy and grace navigate this Pandemic Season 2020 with their health and safety intact. Peace and love to one and all, God has got this ! Your friend always, Tom