Bruce Abraham

Profile Updated: January 19, 2020
Class Year 1969
Residing In GA USA
Spouse/Partner Rhonda Abraham
Occupation Economic Development Consulting
Children Katie, born 1983; Rob, born 1985; Caroline, born 1989; Becky, Born 1992
Yes! Attending Reunion

I moved to north Atlanta and married my beautiful wife, Rhonda. We’ve been married for 40 years! She is the love of my life!

I had career in writing, public relations, commercial real estate, and community development. Most recently, I put together a $42 federal project to build fiber optics across 12 counties.

I haven't kept up with many people, but I talk to my old best friend Tim Duke occasionally. Rhonda and I have lived in Cumming for last 30 years. Got a 1970 MGB I like to work on. Trying to keep working, meet new people, and doing new things.

School Story

We had a party on a Friday night at my house on Old National Hwy my senior year. My folks were out of town, and a few of the guys came over to drink some beer (a pretty rare event back then). Word got out, and we had 30 guys running around Margaret and Roy's house, mostly drunk.

Some of the guys started wrestling in the living room and got cut on the brick fireplace. I think it was Pat Monroe and Pat McCoy, and they left blood spots all over the shag carpet. Len Yancey played Ina Gada Da Vida with his senior ring on my parents wooden coffee table. David Toller and the Trotter boys had a bench press contest on our screened-in front porch and tore out a screen. Our girlfriends drove up,and Steve Roper ran out in his underwear and ran them off.

They finally left, and my brother Kim and I spent the weekend cleaning up all the blood and beer and cigarettes. We found Charlie Flemming upstairs asleep in my sister's bed that afternoon.

My parents came home on Sunday, and we had the windows open so they couldn't smell anything. My mother saw the dents in her coffee table and asked what happened. I told her I was working on a project, and the hammer most have dented it.

My dad didn't seem to notice, but my mom was suspicious. I confessed to her years later, and she just laughed. When you are parents, things look different as the years go by. You look back with affection on many things that disturbed you at the time. I guess that's what love does, huh.

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Jan 19, 2020 at 11:59 PM