John Strickland

Profile Updated: January 12, 2020
Class Year 1970
Residing In Cleveland, GA USA
Spouse/Partner Sandy Solomon
Occupation Retired
Children None
Yes! Attending Reunion

Retired after 41 years in ministry. World traveler.

School Story

When my mother died near then end of my senior year in 1970, the classmates and faculty surrounded me with love and lifted me up. So I shall never forget the kindness given to me and my brothers. Our father had left us when we were young; so school and the teachers and coaches were very important to me. I had to get a guardian to even finish school at LHS. Thank you to everyone!

John's Latest Interactions

Sep 24, 2020 at 3:38 PM

MIke Bass is one of the all-time great Lakeshore Lancers. Proud to call him my friend and Co-Captain of the Football Team. We played on the winning North Team in the Georgia North-South All-Star Game in 1970.

John Strickland updated his profile. View.
Jan 12, 2020 at 8:26 AM
