Missing Classmates

 Scroll Down for List of Missing Classmate Names
Hello Fellow 89ers!

Thank you so much for the tremendous response to our new Web site. More than 200 classmates have joined the site and we’re really excited about that, and the fact that so many are interested in coming to the reunion.

Given this response, we thought it would be a good time to explain some things about the site, including how the “missing classmates” section will be handled.

If you log on, it is not assumed that you will be going to the reunion, and we can assure everyone that at no point will we be pressuring or pestering people to attend.  The site is simply a fun, low-key way to read about what your fellow classmates have been up to. Unlike facebook or classmates.com, you don’t have to contact anyone directly, and no one knows whose profile you have visited. Classmates are not required to post any personal or contact information either.

Outreach Effort

Until a classmate logs on, however, their name will remain listed in the “missing” section. The goal with identifying missing classmates is to simply ensure that as many classmates as possible are aware of the site, and the reunion. The best way to confirm this is to have people log on, or contact us in some way.

We understand completely that there may be classmates who are not interested in reconnecting or joining the reunion. In some ways, these classmates are still better off logging on. That way, their name will be removed from the “missing section” and no one will try and locate them. They can indicate when they log on that they are not attending the reunion. Also, they can block classmates from viewing any contact information, and let us know they don’t want any further contact.

Wanted: Missing Classmates

We urge everyone to take a good look at the missing classmates link. Is there anyone on there who you still have a connection with? Many of us have Facebook friends who have yet to log on.

Even if you are not in direct contact with someone you see on the list, maybe your parents are still in touch with their parents, or you have siblings that are in touch with their siblings. Many connections have already been made this way.

Absolutely any effort you put forth to reduce the number of missing classmates would be deeply appreciated by the reunion committee. Many of you have already been doing this, and it is so awesome!

Thank you all so much!

Pamela Adams
Shwana Adkinson
Scherees L. Adkison
Michelle Agrusti
Joseph Aidala
Marc Alling
Sharon Alvaro (Toms)
Craig Bailey
Rebecca Bailey
Scott David Bailey
Sandrine Balas
Robert Barrett
Darcie Bell
Joseph Bockis
Grady Booth
Sharon Borish
Susan Bradley
Bernard I. Breeyear
Shawn Brino
Sheri Lynn Brown
Damon Buchardt
Luki Burke (Eckman)
Steven Burleski
Dana Butler
Aleta Byers
Nicole T. Byrd
Mario Cangemi
Jacki Lyn Carkner
Brian Carroll
Theresa Cataldo
Ty Clute
Lori Colavecchio
Jeffrey S. Colby
Lorna Collins-Mihill
Kathleen Corlew
Dayna Cornell
Thomas Crall
Robert Cullum Jr.
Janice Daigle
Annmarie Delsignore
Michael Donvito
Deborah Dufresne
Charles Dukes
Donald Eads
Kelly E. Earley
John F. Egan
Paul Ewanos
Samuel G. Faragon
Maureen Fitzgerald
Jeffrey Froschauer
Robert Frost
William Genthner
Tracey A. George (Bennett)
Warren Giddings
Andrew Gilligan
Cosimo Gitto
Karen Glavin
Kostas Hais
Kevin Hart
Tyson Hauf
Keith Herrington
Scott Hill
David L. Hoffa
Stephanie Horton
Tina Hudson
Kelly Iacobucci
David J. James
Jeremy Jarvis
Jennifer Johnson
Brian S. Jones
Bryant Jones
Michael Kebabjian
Michael Kent
Fahmida N. Khan
Mohammad A. Khan
Lisa Kirkley
John D. Klimchak
Laura E. Klouse
Mary T. Kowalski (Cooper)
Julie Landers (Loesel)
Mark Langdon
Brian Lavery
Shawn P. Lemerise
Dacia Lee Leonardo
Gina Leto
Lisa Lostritto
Dennis A. Luciano
Raymond Lukas
Daryl Mack
Daniel M. MacMillan
Lisa Maczek
Sandra Maimone
Nina Marshall
Erica J. Martin (Shea)
Tom W. Martin
Sean M. McAllister
Edward McCashion
Aaron McDermott
Tammie McLaughlin
Kurt McOmber
Thomas Meisner
Laura Mogavero
Eduardo Morales
Stephen Moro
Nathan Morrison
Joseph Motto
Chelsea Myers
Thomas Nania
David Norkus
Michael O'Brien
Michael O'Keeffe
Todd Orvis
Traci Lee Peck
Alan Pennick
Shannon Perry
Eknauth Persaud
Michael Pettograsso
Darek Polcare
Shawn Pratt
Neil A. Prevratil
David Prock
Lisa M. Raimo
Shawn Raymond
Michelle Reith
Lisa A. Reittinger
Kristi Relyea
Kimberly J. Reside
Daniel Retajczyk
Michael D. Ricket
Patrick Ritter
Christopher Roarke
Ellen Robustiano (Young)
Anthony Romani
Amy Sadlon
Gina M. Scavia
Jennifer Schultz
Christopher Shadick
Desmond E. Shorts
Jennifer Sickles
Laura Sigas
Jacqueline Simone
Merri Lynn Smith
Amy Snyder (Lewis)
Robert Snyder Jr.
Tracy L. Spadaro
Michael J. Spiak Jr.
Luigi Spiezio
Jessica Stanco (Gaffney)
Dawn Stanton
Bernard Stone
Robert N. Stone
Karen Suedkamp
Laureen Sullivan
Jennifer Szepek
Steven Taite
Keenan Taylor
Tara Tedesco
Laura Thwaits (Mooney)
Elizabeth Tierney
Tonia M. Tillman
Christine Timpanara
Daniel Toubman
Darcy Lee Touzin
Andrea M. Triolo
Juliet Turallo
Cindy Tuttle
Paula Vanamburgh
Kelly Vandenburg
Michael Vanness
Helen Vasilakos
Kevin Vitkus
Steven Volinsky
Michelle Warzek
April Whitlock (Charbonneau)
Daniel F. Winchester
Lawrence Winchester
Michael Woidzik
Nicholas Zelonka
John Zinzow
