Daniel Burk

Profile Updated: June 25, 2019
Daniel Burk
Residing In: Oceanside, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Ashley Rose
Occupation: Registrar of Voters
Children/Grandchildren: 4 Children Oldest 53 Youngest 37
4 Grandchildren
Military Service: US Army Pentagon Telecommunications Center  
Yes! Attending Reunion

By signing-up does this mean I'll get calls asking me to buy Chocolate Turtles every Fall?

School Story:

"The Phantom", who pulled-off (no pun intended) the single greatest act of rebellion witnessed in Watterson's 50+ storied years by urinating (or soemthign close to it) in the trash cans of vacant classrooms for three months before getting caught. The culprit was a "brown noser" whose job it was to collect the attendance sheets from the home rooms. (He remains affectionately remembered as the "The rebel without a pause" and I think there's a dead spot on the school lawn that keeps his memory.

Msgr. Spires telling us that the monthly school newspaper was to serve as our School's Annual. (Cheap Prick) How are those "Eagle's Nest's " (or whatever they called it) holding up for you guys?

The fact that at graduation with a class of 264, probably 245 of us were virgins. (I include myself and this came to an end thankfully on graduation night--God bless you Marti H. wherever you are)

The overwheening and inordinate pre-occupation with "control" over everything we did and thought; as witnessed having to buy both our locks for our lockers and our copies of books like "Romeo and Juliet" from the school bookstore. Apparently, we weren't trustworth regarding even those small slots in the wall for ourselves at school and couldn't be trusted to absorb the lusty verses in Shakspeare's masterpiece without losing our moral compasses, so the nuns blacked out the more salacious parts in the bookstore copies. I always wondered how they knew what was dirty?

Msgr. Spires slapping and then kicking Mike Stankiwitz (sp?) as he lay on the floor of his office for having the audacity to smirk while being lectured for making a joke in class--the joke was clean and it was funny too.

The football team! That effing football team that sucked the life out of every other activity at Watterson, other than the Turtle drive, of course, which ostensibly raised money for that effing fooball team! and Sister Amy's beloved Science Fair.

The sacrament of confession in the gym during the Annual Retreats (we had no School Annual but we had an annual retreat) and hearing two fellow '65ers (girls) taliking while waiting in line to confess about how they were so embarassed to confess sexual sins that they just used the catch-all "I disobeyed my parents 10 times" ------and who said we didnt learn anything in High School.

Still with all the sarcastic slams at the place we know as "Watterson", it remains somewhere in our psyche--maybe because we were so young and full of possibilities--everything looked "up' in those days--our lives, our careers, our futures. It's rich and even at times satisfying to look back at it from here now--back over 54 years and so much of our lives gone--for good or bad.

My only hope is that each fellow 65er has found peace in his or her life and found a way to be true to themselves. If so, then maybe our parents and Watterson did something right. Danny Burk

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Daniel Burk has left an In Memory comment for Jennifer McNulty Brockmeyer.
Jan 31, 2024 at 9:05 PM



Jennifer lived West of High St. on Cooke Rd and that was the same way I walked home from school to our family's home on Croswell.  Her home was almost across the street from the Rupps, whose daughter Kathy was also in our Class.  All three of our families moved North from Immacualte Conception Parish area in the heart of Clintonville to the Beechwold area around the time we graduated from 8th Grade.

Jennifer was a very sweet person and very smart. She always had something to talk about that was interesting or surprising as we walked home together after school. I'm pretty sure she was the oldest of the McNulty children. One of the things I remember though is that as soon as we got to her house her Dad, Frank, would look out and see her talking to a boy and start raising his voice at the front screen door about wanting her and her sisters to get inside and get busy cleaning their house or helping with dinner.  She'd just say, "Well I guess I gotta go." There's more I'd like to say about him tht is unflattering but this is about Jennifer.

One of the things we liked to talk about was music, as then I was into Peter, Paul and Mary and Dylan, etc. and one day when we got to her house, as I recall it was late '62 or 'early 63,   she said "You got to see this article my Grandmother sent from England."  She ran into the house and pretty quick she came out with this big newspaper and the article on the front with a huge black and white photo was about these four musicians sporting long hair that the author called "pudding bowl hairtcuts".  That was the very first time I ever heard of the Beatles and just a few months later they hit the US too with songs like "I Wanna Hold Your Hand' , "P.S. I Love you' and  "Listen, Do you Wanna Know A Secret" and all the rest is all part of our classmates' and our generation's history. 

I'm so sorry to hear she's gone but will always remember her intelligence and sweet nature.

Danny Burk




Nov 15, 2020 at 3:03 PM

Hi Danny! Hoping all is well! Thanks for sharig your Veterans Day Memory writing. Much appreciated. To this day I think of Jimmy, Jim and Tucky. Hey ... list your birthday on your Profile so we can send you Birthday messages. God Bless! Joe

Daniel Burk updated his profile. View.
Jun 25, 2019 at 8:05 PM
Daniel Burk posted a message. New comment added.
Sep 01, 2015 at 1:43 PM

Posted on: Sep 01, 2015 at 11:57 AM

Lea, Please remove my "Church of the Holy White Castle" Story. It takes up too much space, may be inappropriate to some and seems to have discouraged any other class members from offering something. Hope reunion went well.
Best to you
Dan Burk (livin' at the beach in Southern California)