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•   Rachel Casto  9/24
•   Leigh Anne Emelko (2012)  8/11
•   Marianna Pasaret (2012)  8/11
•   Ryan Peetz (2012)  8/10
•   Michaela Quirk (May) (2014)  8/2
•   Bryan Jones (2005)  1/29
•   Maya Harwood (2020)  12/20
•   Henry Ferguson (2023)  12/10
•   Emily Fraser (Fraser) (1998)  9/27
•   Madeline Boyer (2021)  9/18
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
9 live in California
5 live in Colorado
3 live in District Of Columbia
7 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
6 live in Illinois
4 live in Indiana
2 live in Maryland
3 live in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
9 live in New York
2 live in North Carolina
95 live in Ohio
4 live in Oregon
3 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
1 lives in Samoa (American)
3 live in South Carolina
2 live in Tennessee
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Vermont
2 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Ontario
3 live in Australia
1 lives in China
1 lives in Costa Rica
4 live in Germany
1 lives in India
2 live in Japan
12 live in Mexico
2 live in Netherlands
1 lives in New Zealand
2 live in United Kingdom
382 location unknown


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


Welcome to the web site of the Hershey Montessori Alumni Community.  Former students and all you can set up your own page, post pictures and videos, interact with others, and receive invitations and news from the school and classmates.

Look for your name under Classmate Profiles or Staff Profiles and follow the directions to set up your own page.

If you cannot find your name, contact the site administrator under Contact Us to get your name added to the list.  Hershey teachers are welcomed to sign in.

Help us spread the word...classmates, friends and siblings who attended Hershey can create their own page!!! Teachers, too!!


Once you fill out your profile on this website, you can also stay in touch with other alumni on social media! 

Join the Facebook group by clicking here, and join the LinkedIn group by clicking here

You can follow Hershey Montessori School on Facebook and LinkedIn as well! 



If you recognize anyone under the "Missing Classmates" tab of the website and have their contact information, please send them this link and ask them to join. Below is an example message you can send.

"Invitation from Hershey Montessori School Classes of 1978 - 2022 - We have a website at - please join us and reunite with your Classmates!




Lee Smith  12/11
Ford Carlisle (2009)  12/18
Lindsay Ludwick  12/20
Laurie Ewert-Krocker  12/23
Jamie Zeal (2003)  12/27
Jeffrey Dorsey (1990)  12/28
Emily Witosky  12/28
Naoko Sawada  1/2
Amaya Varma (2015)  1/3

The Association Montessori International/USA is in the process of launching The We Are Montessori Project with the aim of increasing awareness of the benefits of Montessori education. The We Are Montessori Project is found on a Facebook fan page and features alumni who have shared their stories about their Montessori experience as well as the successes they have enjoyed since leaving their Montessori schools.

Alumni like you are the best ambassadors for Montessori education. If you are interested in participating or learning more about this project, go to (here you can review and/or complete an alumnus profile). On Facebook, search for “We Are Montessori” or go to
