Hershey Montessori School
Classes of 1978 - 2023
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Amanda Abbott
Renee Alloy
Mike Ard
Patti Armfelt
David Ayer
Kathy Beech
Tina Bergman
Danielle Brassard
Alyssa Conklin-Moore
Tierney Dewan-Saperstein
Robyn Dill (Rdill@hershey-Montessori. Org)
Karen Dorsey
Patricia Doyle-Proctor
Sheryl Edwards
Jim Ewert-Krocker
Laurie Ewert-Krocker
Jennifer Finan
Caitlin Franc
Karen Hannan-DeWalt
Elise Huneke-Stone
Barbara Kahn
Madeleine Keller
Jayne Koeth
Lily Krichels
Ashley Kubach (Hallquist)
Clare Kwitowski
Paula Leigh-Doyle
Molly Levin
Kya Lisum
Gaby Lopez
Tony Losasso
Mary Terese Matousek
Nate McDonald
Cheryl McGovern
Rachel McKinney
David McNees
Luisa Mendez
Ken Miller
Leslie Minotti
Cheryl Noviski
Janet Oliver
Diana Packer
Golnar Parry
Tiffany Pattison
Linda Pear
Carol Penrod
Ana Relignovic
Tom Schue
Elizabeth Seney
Cindy Sheppard
Kathy Skiba
Lee Smith
Heather Stevens (Schoning)
Theresa Suvak
Stephanie Swank
Sarah Tetzloff
Elin Thierry
Rebecca Uhl
Judy Venaleck
Wes Wilson
Kate Witosky