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•   Doug Bailey  5/18
•   Steve Gilliland  5/8
•   Christopher Deren  4/2
•   Sharon Handrock (Moore)  1/14
•   Maxine Amdur (Amdur)  1/12
•   Sue Liddle (Mitchell)  11/20
•   Pamella Sarbaugh (Spear)  9/21
•   Ed Pate  2/1
•   Janice Ross (Rose)  1/29
•   Diane Pierce (Pearson)  11/18
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

9 live in Arizona
6 live in California
1 lives in Colorado
1 lives in Connecticut
4 live in Florida
1 lives in Hawaii
34 live in Illinois
1 lives in Iowa
2 live in Michigan
1 lives in Mississippi
1 lives in New Jersey
1 lives in New York
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Texas
1 lives in Utah
1 lives in Washington
6 live in Wisconsin
1 lives in Antarctica
220 location unknown
52 are deceased


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Crystal Lake Community High School
Class of 1967

May 2024

Click here for a nice 14 minute video of the 100 years of CLCHS. Happy Birthday Tigers!

JANUARY 31, 2020

Our class presented this to CLCHS this morning. Thanks to all who attended & especially to Janus Ross who recreated that masterpiece and Tom Stephani who shepherded it through the whole process. 

Many thanks to those who donated to help make that happen. Your names are on the back of the picture. 

This project came about after a tour of the high school at the 50th reunion revealed the need for it. It had been destroyed in a flood in a past year.
Also the names of all who worked on the committee to make the 50th reunion happen are on the back of the picture with special thanks to Jackie Donner who headed up many class reunions over the years.

There today were Doug Bailey, Tom Stephani, Jack Heisler, Judy Visin, Sue Hall, Janus Ross and Linda Barango Heisler.


VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!! Friday 1/31/2020 is the big day!

Friday January 31 at 9:30am at CLCHS

Be there! Tom Stephani and Janus Rose will be presenting the recreated Class of 1967 photo for dislplay in the halls of CLCHS. Please let Tom know if you can be there. It would be great to have a little mini-reunion at that time.

Tom's email is

Many thanks to Janus for recreating this piece of our shared history.


Tom Stephani reports:

Posted on: Nov 16, 2019 at 9:04 am

The new class picture is finished and ready to be presented to CLCHS. I'd like to get a group of classmates together to do this. If interested, let me know at I talked with a few of you already. Unfortunately it was at Jeri Stephen's service. It was a nice gathering of friends and family. She will be missed by many.


Tom, our whole class thanks you for doing this.

Janus Rose, thank you for the creation of this class pucture.



August 2019

We are close to having a finished reproduction of our class picture for the High School.

The original was irreparably damaged in a flood some years ago.

Tom Stephani worked to raise money and arrange for Janus Rose to work her magic using the senior yearbook and commencement program to create this masterpeice.

They will next be working on getting it printed and framed and presented to our CLCHS to have it displayed.

Thanks to those who made donations to make this happen and especially to Janus for making this happen!


October 28, 2017

Some GREAT new photos from the 50th Reunion - Saturday night 9/23/17 - uploaded today. Many thanks to Sandra (Warn) and Bob Caby.

See them by clicking on Photo Albums, then on the Gallery named 50th Reunion 2017, then on the album named Sandra Warn Caby.

You too can upload photos! Photos from the reunion or from the past. Or send them to me and I'll be happy to help get them uploaded.

Email to me at or mail to 2962 Horizon Hills Dr, Prescott, AZ 86305.


October 16, 2017

Remember the class pictures that hang in the hallways

near the offices at CLCHS?

Most are still there.

Some years ago the pictures from the '60's were in storage during a renovation when a flood caused irreparable damage. Some classes have raised donations to have theirs recreated from old yearbooks and reinstalled at CLCHS.

Some of us from our Class of '67 think we should do the same.

Tom Stephani has stepped up to make this happen for us. He's communicated with a fellow who has done prior restorations and seen how he can take an old yearbook, correct the colors and remove any writing over the pictures.

It's a big job that costs between $750 and $900.

Now it is up to us to raise the money to make it happen.

With 80 of us on the website we think we can get this done without too much effort or financial inconvenience for anyone.

Please send your donation payable to Tom Stephani and mail to

P.O. Box 98, Crystal Lake, IL 60039

We suggest a $20 donation but larger amounts will be gladly accepted.

Should excess be collected, it will be banked for future reunion activities.


September 27, 2017

Your 50th Reunion Committee thanks ALL OF YOU for support and for attending the 50th events and keeping our Class of '67 together.
We also honor all those who worked on the prior reunions which must have been SO much more difficult without the social media/Internet help. Especially thanks to Jackie Donner Peters!
Let's keep it going! The website will be up for at least another 4 years. Let's keep it building, then renew it for another 5 years or even more.
Please keep inviting classmates to join our FaceBook group, CLCHS Class of 1967, and our website.
Please send me pictures to add to the both sites or you can upload them yourselves. These are YOUR Class of '67 sites to use to communicate with all. I'm just your techie.



September 25, 2017

What a great time we all had on Friday and Saturday! Thanks to all who attended and supported.

Many of you indicated you wished you could have attended but were unable. We missed you and hope to see you next time. Stay in touch!

One sad omission in my opinion and that is that we failed to recognize Jackie Donner Peters for all her work on past reunions. She, more than anyone, has held our class together over these years. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts Jackie! And Thanks to all the others who created reunion events over the years.

Class of '67 Forever!

(Pictures will be posted soon. Email any of yours to me that you would like included.)


50th Class Reunion Sept 22-23, 2017


If you were not one of the 50+ of us who attended the Friday night Meet & Greet, you missed a great time! Sorry we missed seeing you.



Can you believe it?

It is TIME for this reunion celebrating 50 years out of High School!

BE there!





Exciting news! We can extend the registration date for Sat 9/23 Main Event dinner until Wed 9/13! If you know of anyone who thought they missed a 9/8 deadline, please let them know they can still register. Let Shirley know by 9/12 - if you'll be mailing a check. Or register on-line here by clicking REGISTER in the column at the left.

No registration deadline for Friday night.

We do have a great turnout expected for both nights 
- 50 classmates with 30 guests on Friday.
- 42 classmates with 25 guests on Saturday

Thanks for great response everyone! 
This will be great!



See You in September!
We've waited 50 YEARS for this!
Only 3 weeks away - 9/22 and 9/23.
With 39 classmates already registered for Friday night and 32 for Saturday night, we'll have a great time.
BUT!!! There are many of you not yet registered who we really thought might attend and of course really HOPE you do plan to attend.

Headcount is important at this point so even if you are not ready to pay yet, please do let us know if you expect to be there. Especially Saturday night needs an accurate headcount NO LATER than Sept 8, just one week away. 
If you plan to mail a check to Shirley Zell Kaye, please let her know by email or message to expect your registration so she includes you in the headcounts.
Register by clicking on the links at the upper left column of this Home Page.
The following list is of those on the FaceBook group for CLCHS Class of 1967 but not yet registered. I know we've heard from a few of you that you are unable to attend but listing you anyway to let you know we WISH you could join us.
If you are in contact with anyone listed here, please encourage them to join us. The more of us there, the BETTER!

Ginger Sebastian

Candy Disch Malone

Jon Patrick Mcatee

Diane Pearson

Becky Smith

James A Pennebaker

Melinda Eckhardt

Kathy Cummings Little

Cyn Zuba

Barbara J Brown

David Sheesley

Cheryl Swanson

James OKeefe

Claudia Rhode

Gary Astrologes

Edie Aldridge

Maria Segovia

Billie Griner

Michelle Russell

Michael Walkup

Patti Keller Henebry

Steve Mlynarek

Brad Blair

Glenn Guss

Susan Nobbs Dudley

Kay Covey Euler

Jackie Peters



The NEWEST news - as of August 22, 2017

It is nearly upon us!

Only one month from today - Sept 22 -

We'll be gathered for our Meet & Greet at Park Place (We knew it as the American Legion on Woodstock St).

35 of our classmates have registered for Friday night so far, many bringing guests. But MANY names are missing! Ones we expect will want to be there!

29 classmates have registered for Saturday night 9/23 at Turnberry with a little bit different mix of those attending.  

September 8 is our deadline for having an accurate estimate of the number of attendees for Saturday so please get your registration in early. 

Click here for a registration form to mail or use the links at the left side of this Home Page for the registration form or to pay by credit card.

You can see who has already registered by clicking on Classmate Profiles at the left on this Homepage.

If you are in contact with classmates who should be there, please urge them to register NOW.

OLDER news...

The LATEST news - as of July 10, 2017

We are going to have a GREAT time at our Meet & Greet on Fri Sep 22 and our Main Event on Sat Sep 23!  We now have 21 classmates pre-registered, many bringing guests.  We are expecting more registrations as we get closer and figure we'll have a LARGE group for a great big class photo.  Here we were 20 years ago - more than 50 of us. Be there this year!

Click on Classmate Profiles at the left for lists of who is pre-registered.

Click here for a registration form to mail or use the links at the left side of this Home Page for the registration form or to pay by credit card.


News that was ... as of June 20, 2017 


You haven't registered to attend the 50th Reunion activities yet???

Click on Classmate Profiles at the left to see who has already pre-registered to attend the 50th Reunion events. Now 16 of us.  Join us! Just Click on Register buttons to the UPPER left.

We still have 250 classmates to find - Please Help! Share this website and our Facebook page with those you know who are in contact with Class of '67 grads - and any who were at one time in our class.




It's time to dig out your 50 year old class ring to bring to the Friday night Meet & Greet event on Sept 22.  Someone there with their ring will win a prize!  Can't fit it on your ring finger anymore? Wear it on a chain...or wrap it in angora to wear on your pinky!



This is our framework for gathering on 9/22 and 9/23/17. Jump in if you want to contribute in some way to the planning and events.

If you haven't done so already, please update your profile, add pictures and details. Click on Classmate Profiles.

If your name is not yet added, please contact me to get it there. This is for those who did graduate CLCHS class of 1967 or would have if they were in the class at any time 1963-1967. Use the Contact Us button.

If you do not fit that description but would like to be able to watch this website, please let me know so I can add you as a Visitor.

If you have suggestions, comments, requests, pictures to share, information about class members for the In Memory page, please let me know. Use the Contact Us button.

We also have a Facebook page - join us there!

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Sept 2017!

Sally Blakslee Schindel

602-565-5860  Prescott, AZ

