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Forum: General Discussion


Berlin Wall

Created on: 06/23/09 02:36 AM Views: 1996 Replies: 1
Berlin Wall
Posted Monday, June 22, 2009 09:36 PM

The Berlin Wall went up in August 1961, a mere 2 months after 8th grade graduation.  The following summer there was a song about the wall released, West of the Wall.  To hear and see this song, go here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVeG-MllgXI.  Later, in 1966 there was a movie, Torn Curtain, about escaping from East Germany.  I remember a picture of a young man who tried to scale the wall and was shot by East German guards.  When he fell back on the East side, the guards left him there to bleed to death.  Within our lifetimes we witnessed the beginning and the end of the Cold War.

RE: Berlin Wall
Posted Tuesday, June 23, 2009 05:30 PM


Did you ever think that we would see in our lifetime the fall of the wall? I had my doubts.

I taught five summers at the Churchill Academy of Westminster College in Missouri. They had about a 60 foot section of the Berlin Wall on campus. It was awesome to behold.