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Created on: 07/05/09 05:04 PM Views: 3796 Replies: 6
Oak Cliff in the 50s
Posted Sunday, July 5, 2009 12:04 PM

Lake Cliff Park:  Feeding the ducks, swimming or just floating in an inner tube in the pool there.  Later heading to Polar Bear for a double-dip cone.

Jefferson:  The Texas Theater, Kress's, McCrorys, Albins (watermelon in the summer, Chrismas trees in the winter!), Sears, and the candy counter in the basement, the old public library, Margies Dress Shop, Optical Clinic, where I got my first pair of glasses - $14.95 included eye exam, frames and lenses.

Davis St., near school:  Coghill-Simmons Record Store, Griddle System, Skillerns Drug Store, Cannon's, Schindlers Bakery.

A. Harris Shopping Center (long before they merged with Sanger Bros.).

Sivils Drive-in, which my mother always thought was "too wild."  Kidd Springs.  Kiest Park.  Weiss Park (my mom insisted it was pronounced "wise" while all my friends said "weese").

What else?

RE: Oak Cliff in the 50s
Posted Sunday, July 5, 2009 01:27 PM


We rode the streetcar to school in the beginning.  The first day for buses was a Sunday and we were thrilled that we were  able to ride home from church.

THE PLACE for those two scoops!


Like the sign said, "Tender as Ole Austin's Heart."

There was the Luby's in Westmoreland Heights, Fred's Barbecue in Wynnewood, Red Bryan's on Jefferson, the first seven-eleven at 12th and Edgefield.

My favorite was Page drugs.  Breakfast on Saturday morning was a treat.  One egg, one piece of bacon, one piece of toast, and coffee (I had coke) for 19¢!  Two of everything (except coffee which was "bottomless") 29¢.  You want three? 39¢  Nickle candy bars were 3 for 13¢

The Heights theater ran a double every Saturday with a Serial and Cartoon in the middle.  Steve Ferguson and I would sell bottles at the A&P for extra candy/popcorn money.  We'd head down to Falls and Hampton after the movies to reenact the whole movie.

Maher Bros. Ford was at the corner of Jefferson and Polk.  I got to pick out our brand new '54 ford.  A little over $300.  Steve still remembers going to Civil Air Patrol meetings in it.  It was stolen about four years ago from my father's house.  It was still running.

My mother moved back to Oak Cliff from Arlington in '65 and bought 310 S Oak Cliff shortly thereafter.  We'll be closing on the sale of the property this month.  She passed away March 18th of this year.

Other interseting spots.  Clyde Barrow (of Bonnie and Clyde is buried here.  And, Bonnie lived nearby.

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous!

Edited 10/27/09 09:46 PM
RE: Oak Cliff in the 50s
Posted Monday, July 6, 2009 12:38 PM

Oh, John, where did you find a picture of the Polar Bear?  I frequented that place long after St. Cecilia!  My obstetrician's office was near there, and when I was pregnant I would reward myself after a visit to the dr. by getting a large chocolate malt on the way home!  When I was little and would get sick, my father would get me orange sherbet from the Polar Bear.  Orange sherbet is still a favorite comfort food for me, but Blue Bell is a pale comparison.

I lived on Falls Drive, and the cafeteria was Donnell's, not Luby's.  On Wednesday nites the Heights Theater had family nite, $1.00 admission for the whole family, and we got to eat at Donnell's and then go to a movie.  Also got to go to the Saturday matinee.  After we were grown, my sister explained to me that while we kids were at the movies, our parents got to have some quality alone time with each other.   Too doggone bad that they didn't have Saturday Kid Shows by the time I had children!

How come you and I and occasionally Jerry are the only people posting here?

RE: Oak Cliff in the 50s
Posted Wednesday, October 21, 2009 07:33 PM

I was always intrigued by "BOBCAT HILL". I liked Youngblood's chicken restaurant. Do you remember watermelon gardens? I used to go to Griddle System almost every morning for breakfast--more for a breakfast snack. I loved getting a sweet roll and a piece of ham and eating them together. Weird, huh?

I enjoyed riding  the Seventh Street Car and I remember the shaking and swaying of the streetcar "bridge" over the Trinity and the river bottom on the way to downtown Big D. Do you remember when lightning struck the pool at Lake Cliff Park? That got my attention. I was always hinky about lightning because of my mother who was struck by lightning

I loved baseball and I spent a lot of time at Burnett Field, watching the Eagles, Rangers, etc.. My mother bought me season tickets a couple of years and then an elderly gentleman, a Mr. Evans, bought me a season ticket next to him for a couple of years. He liked me, didn't have any grandchildren, and he was impressed with my knowledge of baseball.I enjoyed watching the games with Mr. Evans. He got me started drinking coffee. One night in early spring it was just downright cold and Mr. Evans went to the concession stand and came back with a barbecue sandwich and a cup of coffee. Somehow it was an unbeatable taste combination to me. I loved coffee from the git-go--black--no cream,no sugar.The last few years I have grown to like lattes at Starbuck's as well.

Remember when it was called Fort Worth Cutoff. The Stevens theater and wasn't there one called the Beverly Hills. And going as a school to see some of the religious movies. Remember the one about Father Junipero Serra?

I remember Stevens Park Golf Course very well. Some of the best days I ever skipped schoolwere spent there. It was just too tempting, being so close to St. Cecilia's.




Edited 10/22/09 12:21 PM
RE: Oak Cliff in the 50s
Posted Tuesday, October 27, 2009 09:11 PM

Speaking of golf, who remembers Wee St. Andrews miniature golf?


There were two courses; one was carpeted, the other sawdust.   It was around long before anyone every heard of Putt-Putt!

RE: Oak Cliff in the 50s
Posted Wednesday, December 2, 2009 03:12 PM

I remember all the places listed here. Only wish I could remember more of the people I went to school with. I guess my memory is not as good as it once was! I don't have any pics to share at this time, however I will attempt to locate some from the old neighborhood in Oak Cliff and post.

RE: Oak Cliff in the 50s
Posted Wednesday, December 2, 2009 03:46 PM

How's your memory on this place?

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous!

Edited 12/02/09 04:21 PM