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In Memory

Pat Watts

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09/12/10 12:18 AM #1    

Tim Murphy

I enjoyed Pat. He was a fun guy from what I remember. How and when did Pat die?

08/22/17 10:03 PM #2    

Lane Crawford (Christian)

I remember Pat with fond memories.  RIP Pat.


08/23/17 06:45 PM #3    

Marshall Sied

I think Pat has been gone for awhile.  Believe it or not, the last time we ran into each other was in Florence, Italy in '74.  He noticed me at a museum.  Then we ran into each other again in Italy and then again on a Greek island.......small world.  We hung out and drank alot.  While over there, he met a Danish girl and I think he moved to Denmark after that.  I want to say he was in Denmark since then or at least for a long time.


Pat Watts in '74 - Siena, Italy











































































































































08/23/17 08:44 PM #4    

Linda Delya (Carrington)

Pat asked me out once, when we were in high school, I shot him dowm. Looking back, I should have been a lot nicer to him than I was back then. He was a decent guy! ☹️🌺

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