In Memory

Robert Strong - Class Of 1964

Betzer Funeral Home, Delavan, WI

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08/12/22 09:18 PM #1    

Bill Yazbec (1965)

Sad to say so long to another of my Vine St neighborhood buddies. It was a great neighborhood to live in. So many friends that lived on and around Vine St. My memory of Bob is from the early 60's. His dad bought him an olde Nash. The car was a tank. We would load up a bunch of us kids and head into the open field at the end of Spring Lane. This was before all the houses were built. Bob was driving and we were all bouncing around in the car as he drove thru the field. We would be laughing and telling Bob to go faster. How fast can you go in an open field?  Great memory of the Vine St gang. RIP Bobby. You're one of the good guys.

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