In Memory

Jerry Stafford - Class Of 1964 VIEW PROFILE

Jerry Alan Stafford

Born: 5 Nov 1946 Wisconsin

Died: 1990 in Chicago Il

After High School Jerry attended College in Milwaukee and after graduation volunteered for the Peace Corp. He taught school in Nigeria for a period of 6 years having volunteered twice for 3-year tours. Following that he worked an additional 5-years in Nigeria for the US government for a total of 13 years. During his time there in Nigeria there was a Civil War with its eastern area  called Biafra. It was this conflict that finally caused Jerry and his partner to leave Nigeria and return to Chicago. Jerry died in 1990 from AIDS and was cremated. After his mother's death his ashes were placed in her coffin and they are buried in Spring Grove Cemetery, Delavan. I collected this information today, 1 May 2015, from his sister Joan that lives in Hot Springs Village, Arkansas, and report the same with her permission. Gary


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