Reunion Itinerary

Here's What's Going On....

Thursday, August 1st

Meet up with friends that already in town or do DC Days activities on your own in the morning and afternoon. In the evening, anyone who is already in town and wants to meet up for dinner, the Class of '89 will pick up the tab.


Friday, August 2nd 

Breakfast on your own. Feel free to engage in any DC Days activities in the morning. We will all get together for a lunch at El Charro's for whoever wants to meet. (Time for lunch TBD - likely at 12:00)

Friday night we will all meet at the Street Dance at Central Station. Tickets are required - so Becky will pick those up for us when she gets to town. Some of our classmates have mentioned about going to the Rodeo together - and then meeting up at Central Station afterward.  


Saturday, August 3rd

Attend the famous Cattle Drive. There is also a car show at Wright Park for anyone who wants to meet up there. We will meet at noon for lunch at Kate's (mmm...tacos and burgers..and scooners!)

In the evening - we will have a Family BBQ out on Billy Bristow's dad's land. See "BBQ Map" for directions. We will use our class funds to purchase the meat and drinks and then we will ask that everyone pitch in for the rest, such as salads, sides, plates, cups, etc). 

Sunday, August 4th

Meet at the old High School for pictures and goodbyes!!! (Time TBD) 
