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04/17/09 06:37 PM #2163    

Marijayne Rogers (Kruus)

Maybe the mainstream media took my cat. If the other guys get it back for me, I swear I will watch nothing other than FOX the rest of my life. BIG SIGH!

p.s. Mark, any idea why they call it MAINSTREAM?

04/18/09 09:07 PM #2164    

Rich Kobus

I am now taking donations for the republic party to fine Mj's cat......

04/23/09 11:43 PM #2165    

Rich Kobus

Thanks for all the donations!!! and i'm happy to report that not only did MJ get her cat back, but as promised she will at least examine the dark side of republic thinking!!!

we welcome you with open arms MJ!!!!!


04/28/09 02:42 AM #2166    

Mark Campbell

Thought i would share my fb posts lol!

So all you obama lover's i have a question!!! It's more important to bust on the last administration than keep the country safe??????

The problem with this administation's plan to make bush and company look bad(so they can be more popular) IT WILL BACKFIRE LIKE A MOFO! Which in retrospect won't be so bad(unless we lose many lives because of it!) Not just on the battle field!!!!

My definition of TORCHER: watchin this jerkoff talk crap against usa overseas(to make friends they say lol!) Then try to uncover and expose how we get info to protect us all,puttin our men and women in more of a shitstorm than they were already in!!!!! WORST PRESIDENT ON ALL LEVELS IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND!!!!!

Have a nice day all!!!

05/01/09 03:29 AM #2167    

Mark Campbell

Holy dead site sigh!!!!!!

05/01/09 09:33 AM #2168    

Mary Cosman (Connell)

Good god,,we are really losing steam here. Probably cause Campbell keeps rippin on politics. PLEASE enough already. We know you hate Obama, and that's okay. (a la Al Franken) BTW Mark, we have a school counselor here whose name is Campbell. But she insists that her name is CAMP- bell. Camp then bell. I THINK she needs Counseling!!! WTF?? Camp-bell. Makes me nuts.
I am now the proud mom of a chinchilla. Frodo arrived here a week or so ago. I think we were just talking about getting him last time I was on. He is really a cute little Mabbit.(half mouse like have rabbit like) Seems to adjusting to our home well. He likes to be scratched on his head and seems to enjoy watching the boys play in the room. I am gonna buy him one of those big balls to go inside so we can take him outside to view the world. As for yet, my dog Daisy, is still unaware of the new pet. Stinky(my other dog) has met Frodo, and seems ok. Daisy, tho, may very well want to eat Frodo, so we have been keeping the room closed for now.

PS HAS anyone seen Role Models??? Super funny movie, but language is not for kids! I laughed and laughed the entire m ovie.

See ya guys,

05/06/09 08:21 PM #2169    

Marijayne Rogers (Kruus)

Oops, I made a mistake in my announcement for the party I am hosting in Chicago in June. Party is on Sunday, June 14th, not the 16th, as indicated on the home page. Hope to see everyone there!


05/07/09 08:57 PM #2170    

Mary Cosman (Connell)




is anyone there?

05/07/09 11:41 PM #2171    

Marijayne Rogers (Kruus)

I'm here, Mary!

Can you come down to CHI town on the weekend of June 12th? Love to see ya!

05/09/09 10:27 PM #2172    

Marijayne Rogers (Kruus)

I was just talking to Mark's wife via IM on Facebook. She want's to know if Mark has always been such a "pain in the ?????" Should we take a poll?

05/10/09 02:08 PM #2173    

Rich Kobus

no point in that we all know the answer....
tell her she should have asked that b4 she got married and spit out lil marks.....


05/11/09 12:44 PM #2174    

Al Kostecki

Let's take a

05/11/09 10:46 PM #2175    

Elisa Cullina (O'Neill)

Holy cow - post at top of the page is 4/7 and it is now 5/11. When did we all get boring???

05/17/09 11:35 AM #2176    

Andre Pineda

Where is everybody?? Facebook, I presume.

05/20/09 01:32 PM #2177    

Al Jaques

When did we all get boring??? With our first born. Hey, I was looking for a way to send Mary a message with an attachment but I don't think this site handles that via the private messages so I guess I'll post it here. If any of you are free on Sunday (5/24) I'm having a BBQ at my house starting at 2:00pm. All you degenerates are welcome.

05/23/09 12:55 AM #2178    

Mary Cosman (Connell)

Hi everyone. Long time no post! ASchool is almost over. Cant believe how fast time flies once you get old like us!

Al J

Saw your post. I too am having a party on Sunday. You are all welcome!!! Ha ha, Anyone who wants to drive 6 hours up here, you are welcome to come. So I wont be in CHGO for Memorial Day. Although I might have made other arrangements if I knew my cyber soul mate Al, here, was having a bash. ;0)

MJ Not sure bout your party. Want to make it, but jeez, the 14th is gonna be here SOOOO Fassttt....not sure if I can get it together by then. Plus time off work..... My mom has been buggin the piss out of me to come down tho..... Still perculating(sp?) on the idea. Sounds like a lot of fun and I am sure i COULD still kick EVERYONES ASS in V-BALL!!!!!! ( as long as there is an oxygen tank nearby, right?) BTW I must say, I really miss you all so much. We must try to get together on a regular basis, so keep the invites out there and eventually we will get it together.


05/23/09 01:10 AM #2179    

Al Jaques

Come to MJ's party!

05/23/09 11:34 PM #2180    

Mary Cosman (Connell)

Al J

If I come, you promise to be there??

05/28/09 10:30 PM #2181    

Al Jaques

I already committed to MJ. I'll be there, family in tow.

05/31/09 10:53 PM #2182    

Mary Cosman (Connell)

Wow, I was on the new format, but then I went back to message forum and thankfully the old format was there. So I was verry relieved. Sure wish I could commit to MJS party. But my sister is coming up this weekend, the 4th. Pretty unlikely I will be in Chgo on the 14th. Chris has to leave town for training and we are still waiting on the dates on that. But.... you never know.

06/03/09 03:43 PM #2183    

Rich Kobus

three days and not one post...WTF? so is everyone on FB now?

06/04/09 05:50 PM #2184    

Al Kostecki

Am I allowed to attempt to maybe try and come to your party? The only problem is I might have a kid in tow
due to baseball and softball. So if your going to have hookers I have to leave them in the car.

06/04/09 10:33 PM #2185    

Rich Kobus

ok well i am not admitting anything but just in case, might want to leave the window cracked a bit....


06/08/09 09:34 AM #2186    

Mary Cosman (Connell)

Hey Kobie and Chainsaw,

Nice to see you back on the forum. F facebook. That narcisstic bunch of crap. This is where the real people hang. :0)

06/08/09 04:43 PM #2187    

Rich Kobus

ahhhh can't figure out face book ha Mar....LOL


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