In Memory

Leah Harper

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08/19/08 05:48 PM #1    

Debra Alexander (Barber)

I remember Leah's smile, she was a sweet person enjoyed a good laugh. I will never forget when she first moved into our subdivision. She lived almost directly behind me, some of the neighborhood guys would come over to my house to play basketball so they could watch to see when she came out of her house.

08/24/08 10:43 AM #2    

Kristie Tamburello (Fields)

Lonnie & I were out to dinner one night years ago and we saw Leah. She looked completely lost and didn't know who I was. I knew she took an unfortunate path in life, but I was still saddened to hear about her death. I remember Leah being this crazy, fun person. One of the smartest people. What a loss!!

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